Syed Mukarram Nazeer, Canada Correspondent
For the first time in three years, on 1 July 2022, all of Canada celebrated the 155th Canada Day without being subject to pandemic restrictions. Lajna Imaillah Bradford got the opportunity to commemorate the occasion at Tottenham Conservation Area where they set up a tabligh stall, reported Madiha Majoka Sahiba, Secretary Ishaat, Lajna Imaillah Bradford.
The venue was opened to the general public at noon. The stall had different items of attraction for the public, specifically for ladies and young children.
The first item was many vibrant headscarves on display. These scarves were for women from different faiths to try on. More than 39 girls and ladies tried on hijabs from Lajna Canada’s Je Suis Hijabi (French for “I am a Hijabi”) campaign. While wearing it, many felt excited and shared their thoughts. “Amazing” and “secure” were some of the words used to describe their feelings.
The second and one of the most popular stalls was the henna art. Around 250 young girls and women visited the stall for henna art. While offering different henna designs on their hands, Lajna members introduced themselves and educated visitors about Islam and Ahmadiyyat.
A table with pamphlets and Islamic literature including Understanding of Islam, The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, Jesus in India, Hijab and many more were also set up at the stall. More than 750 flyers were distributed to the guests. Some of the guests expressed their interest in more information. Three copies of the Holy Quran with English translation, four copies of The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam and some other small books were presented to such individuals.
Another activity for young kids and women was a special fun-filled question and answer session. Prizes were given for correctly answering questions regarding Islam. The visitors expressed that this session was very interactive and informative, especially in learning new things and clearing up misconceptions about Islam.
At the end of the day, the Mayor of Tottenham Rick Milne and his wife also visited the Lajna stall. The mayor recognised and appreciated efforts made by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya for the betterment of their neighbourhood. The mayor’s wife got henna art done from the stall. She loved the stall and thanked Lajna for participating in the event.