Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sierra Leone and its auxiliary organisations are constantly busy in the religious, moral and spiritual upbringing of the community.
By the grace of Allah the Almighty, Lajna Imaillah Sierra Leone arranged a tarbiyati class from 1 to 3September 2019 at Baitul Subuh Central Mosque, Freetown.
The focus of the class was to prepare such teachers who can not only teach the Holy Quran to children but also train them in morals. And teach them the true message of Islam Ahmadiyyat so that they may go out and preach the true Islam.
The class was a great success, by the grace of Allah, with participation of 207 Lajna members from 12 different regions of Sierra Leone.
During the three-day course, the classes were split and covered different areas, for example, correct pronunciation, grammar and the true teachings of Holy Quran. Salat with translation was also taught during these classes.
Lectures were delivered on the following topics: importance of learning the Holy Quran, khatm-e-nubuwwat [finality of prophethood], precedence to faith over worldly matters, obedience to the authorities, Islamic purdah, blessings of Khilafat, safeguarding against evil traditions and cultures, death of Jesusas, disadvantages of social media and benefits of early marriage. Quranic subjects were revised after Isha prayer on a daily basis.
Saeed-ur-Rahman Sahib, Amir and Missionary-in-Charge addressed the Lajna about the evil traditions and cultures of society and advised them about how to safeguard themselves and their children from such evil practices.
By the grace of Allah, all participants made full use of their time during these three days and learnt a great deal.
May Allah enable us all to discharge our duties with full responsibility. Amin.