This afternoon, in his Friday Sermon, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa announced the launch of a new website – www.ahmadiyya-history.org – by the Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat department.
Huzooraa said:
“At this juncture, I would like to make an announcement; Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat department has started a website, which is in both the Urdu and English languages. On the website, published content of the Jamaat to do with the Jamaat’s history and biographies of important personalities is being made available, for example, biographies of the Promised Messiahas, Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat, Companionsra of Hazrat Ahmadas, the martyrs of Ahmadiyyat, Darweshan-e-Qadian, missionaries of the Jamaat and various other key personalities of the Jamaat; theses; articles; historic pictures; all published volumes of Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat; material to do with the history of auxiliary organisations and Jamaats in various countries and cities; writings of various key personalities of the Jamaat; pictures of tabarrukat [holy relics]; rare and significant newspaper cuttings; research articles and articles on history; photos, along with insightful introductions, of important Jamaat events, buildings, such as mosques, mission houses, central departments, academic departments, hospitals, dispensaries, guests houses etc.; valuable MTA documentaries have been uploaded onto a YouTube channel and can be viewed on this website and a timeline highlighting the salient moments of the Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya’s history until now.
“Insha-Allah, after the Jumuah prayer, I will launch this website.”
After leading the Jumuah prayer, and before departing for Islamabad, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa formally launched the website and led dua.

Speaking to Al Hakam, Farasat Ahmad Sahib of the Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat department said:
“The need was felt for covering a proper history of the Jamaat, not just in book form, but on a platform that can be made available to all Jamaat members around the world.”
Farasat Sahib explained that Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa gave guidance throughout the preparation phase.
“Even today, after viewing the main page of the website, Huzooraa issued some instructions with regard to a certain aspect of the website”, said Farasat Sahib, describing the level of detail to which Huzooraa guided the department.

“On 20 September, Rabwah was formally inaugurated by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra, a milestone in the history of the Jamaat. Today, on 20 September this website was inaugurated, something that we consider a pleasant coincidence.”
This website, as mentioned above, will focus on the history of the Jamaat, something that is extremely vital to be aware of in the current age to dispel misguidance. Without this knowledge, it becomes difficult to grasp the true purpose of this community of God.
“Everything is downloadable. Content will regularly be uploaded onto the website and teams have been allocated for this very purpose. In fact, we have so much content that even now, there are articles and other such material ready; all that is required is to have that material formatted for the web”, explained Farasat Sahib.
“The timeline is one of the most interesting aspects of this website. Here, readers can find the Jamaat’s history and events from the lives of Khulafa. Readers will get a lot from this that was never before available. Everyone is encouraged to check regularly for new material and updates.”
Isfandyar Munib Sahib, who is currently managing the Jamaat’s history department, said:
“We want people to study the history of the Jamaat and the various holy places and tabarrukat [relics] and acquaint themselves with it so that they become known worldwide. And if anyone has a tabarruk of the Promised Messiahas, whether a piece of writing or a personal possession, or anything belonging to the Khulafa, they should share its details and photos with us so that it benefits the entire Jamaat and the whole world.”
سبحان اللہ
MashaAllah <3
ماشاءاللہ ماشاءاللہ ماشاءاللہ ماشاءاللہ ماشاءاللہ ماشاءاللہ اللہ تعالیٰ ہمارے پیارے امام کو صحت و تندرستی والی لمبی زندگی عطا فرمائے آمین یارب العالمین۔ آپ کے سایے میں جماعت احمدیہ دن دگنی رات چوگنی ترقی کریں آمین یارب العالمین
mubarak sad mubarak