Today, on 13 December, during the Friday sermon, Huzooraa announced the launch of the Daily Al Fazl London (online edition).
Al Fazl has now reached 106 years of publication. Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra, with the permission of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira, started the Daily Al Fazl on 18 June 1913.
After the establishment of Pakistan, it was published in Lahore, and thereafter, it started publishing from Rabwah.
The Daily Al Fazl London online edition has a website and an android app.
After the Friday sermon, Huzooraa launched the website of Daily Al Fazl London online edition.
A lot of information can be found on the website; such as, Hadith of the Holy Prophetsa, various extracts of the Promised Messiahas and the Friday Sermons along with their summary. Similarly, articles from different writers and poetry also.
Readers can visit the new website on the following link: