National Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK Shura 2018



Hamid Choudhry

Motamid MKA UK

On Saturday 13 October, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK held their 30th Majlis-e-Shura, in Baitul Futuh Mosque, Morden. The event formally commenced at 9:30am with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by the declaration of the Khuddam Pledge by all delegates.

Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya (Sahibzada Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib) then delivered a welcome address and summary report of key activities from the previous year. The many activities and initiatives undertaken by the Majlis over the year offered a moment of reflection for the delegates, who were able to appreciate the significant achievements and advancements through their efforts and those of their peers. However, as was noted by Sadr Sahib, all of the humble efforts made by the Majlis are only ever sacrifices in the name of Allah, Who is the actual doer of all good things. 

In his address, Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib referred to the guidance of the founder of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra – al-Musleh al-Maud – may Allah be pleased with him.  

After the opening session, the implementation reports of the previous year’s Shura proposals were delivered by the respectively allocated chairpersons. Following these implementation reports, the proposals for this year’s Majlis-e-Shura were presented by Motamid MKA UK (Hamid Choudhry). 

In total, 26 proposals were presented to the National Amila by members throughout the country, across many different departments. Of these proposals, 4 had been proposed to, and approved by, Hazrat Amirul Momineen, may Allah be his Helper.

At around 11am, the sub-committees were formed, based on delegates being nominated by their respective regional qaideen, as well as special appointments by Sadr Majlis.  

As this year’s Majlis-e-Shura was also required to conduct an election for Sadr Majlis, since Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib had now served 3 consecutive 2-year terms, his morning address was noted by him as his final formal opportunity to address the distinguished delegation of Khuddam before him, in the position of Sadr. His address was therefore an opportunity to reflect and pass on some words of advice and support to the Majlis.  

Notably, Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib referred to the guidance that he had received from Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa upon his appointment to the office of Sadr Majlis, which was to always refer to Mashal-e-Rah (a compilation of the speeches given about Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya by Hazrat Musleh Maudra) to seek guidance and wisdom, especially in difficult and trying times.  

The address by Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib was indeed a moment of reflection for all those in the audience, who had been serving under his passionate leadership for the past six years. Nonetheless, the audience found themselves having to prepare now for another challenging task – electing the next Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya. 

This year, a record number of delegates were present to conduct the election – 402 delegates would vote to determine the names to be presented before Huzooraa, as recommended by the Shura.  

Huzooraa had appointed Hafiz Zafarullah Sahib from the Markaz to preside as chairman of the Sadr election.  At around 12:30pm, the election began with silent prayer. Hafiz Zafrullah Sahib pointed out that all members should spend that critically important moment in reciting Durud Sharif and Istighfar. He advised the delegation to pray sincerely so that the Shura may present some suitable suggestions for candidates to lead this Majlis before Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa.  

This year, MKA UK Aitimad department had developed a digital solution to support the counting of votes cast against all the nominated candidates. In total, there were 7 candidates nominated. With all candidates having to place 3 votes, the system was designed to capture votes and stream the results live for presentation on a dashboard that was placed in front of the chairman.  Allhamdolillah, the voting was counted and validated by the system in record time, saving significant time and ensuring greater accuracy. The names along with their respective votes were documented by Hafiz Zafarullah Sahib and were presented to Huzooraa for his consideration.  

After the Zuhr and Asr prayers were combined, a delicious Chinese-style lunch was offered for all to enjoy – lovingly prepared by the exceptional and well-regarded chefs of MKA UK’s Ziafat team.

After lunch, the sub-committees that had been formed were able to now deliberate over their respective proposals. To keep the size of sub-committees to a reasonable number, allowing discussions to be manageable and meaningful, there were inevitably a number of unallocated delegates.  Therefore, in parallel to the sub-committee deliberations, two presentations were delivered to these members:

1. General Data Protection Regulation, delivered by Naib Sadr, Muddassar Ahmad Sahib and members of the Khuddam IT Committee)

2. Dealing with Disabilities, delivered by Mohtamim Khidmat-e-Khalq (Abdul Rauf Lodhi Sahib)

The plenary & closing session of the Shura commenced at around 6pm, with tilawat. The sub-committee chairmen along with their secretaries presented their summary reports of the deliberations and recommendations made. The floor was then opened up for questions, comments and suggested additions/amendments to the recommendations. The proposals were then voted upon for approval to be sent to Huzooraa for review and approval.  

Soon after the plenary session had commenced, Hafiz Zafrullah Sahib had returned with a message from Huzooraa, something everyone had been anticipating. 

The announcement was thus made that Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa had graciously appointed Abdul Quddus Arif Sahib as Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK for the next 2 years. Abdul Quddus Arif Sahib, is currently a serving missionary and teacher at Jamia Ahmadiyya UK.  

Abdul Quddus Arif Sahib came up onto the stage and after embracing him, Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib congratulated him and the entire Majlis on his appointment and asked that everyone should pray for him and offer their full support to him. Shortly after, Magrhib and Isha prayers were offered and the plenary and closing session reconvened. Once all proposals had been presented and reviewed by the Shura delegates, a few closing remarks were given by Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib, in which he thanked all the Majlis for their support and hard work, as well as requesting prayers for himself and his family. 

The Majlis-e-Shura then repeated the Pledge after the newly appointed Sadr Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK. A short address was then given by Sadr Sahib, in which he reflected upon the speech in which Mirza Waqas Ahmad Sahib had earlier referred to Hazrat Musleh Maud, pointing out that the purpose of our service within Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya is to train the next generation so that a continuous improvement is always maintained. Sadr Sahib then led the congregation in silent prayer, thereby concluding the final session with all four proposals being approved for submission to Huzooraa.  

It was almost 9:30pm when the Shura delegates were served with dinner in the marquee to the rear of Baitul Futuh Mosque. As per tradition, during this meal, the outgoing members of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya – those entering Majlis Ansarullah – who had rendered significant services towards the Majlis in their time as a Khuddam, were presented with tokens of appreciation, including a special crystal trophy. There were 45 such special guests this year that received this award on behalf of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK.

The delegates and guests of Majlis-e-Shura made their way home after a long day, one which will Insha-Allah shape the coming year and beyond for Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya UK with a desire and passion to seek continuous improvement.

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