Reem Shraiky, UK

As I gather my thoughts to begin writing about the existence of God, I feel a sense of humility before my Lord. How can I articulate what proves His existence when He is with me at every moment? He hears my concerns and responds by wiping away my tears. He sustains me, clothes me, feeds me, and protects me. He has granted me health and sanity, blessed me with beautiful children and a righteous husband, and provided the security of a safe home and a great homeland.
My experiences with Him are countless; since childhood, His grace has guided me toward everything that has brought about my betterment and happiness.
Yet, I understand that my personal experiences may not resonate with everyone. Therefore, I feel compelled to shed light on some of the things that I see as conclusive evidence of God’s existence.
Allow me to share a story: Imagine a small drone, seemingly created out of nothing by chance. Over time, it evolves into a colossal aeroplane, equipped with a high-precision navigation system, ferrying hundreds of passengers across vast distances. Do you find this story believable, or would you dismiss it as nonsensical?
Just as the drone must have had a maker, and the aeroplane too, so too must there be a creator for all things, including humanity and the natural world.
Humans were created as humans and will always remain so. The Holy Quran chose a wonderful way to reveal the secrets of creation and to remove the curtain from its mysterious truths. It is clear from the teachings of the Quran that there was an ongoing evolution in the spiritual and material worlds alike, and that the material world has reached the utmost peak of its perfection after long evolutionary developments, and likewise, the spiritual world has reached the peak of its perfection with the advent of the Holy Prophetsa. However, the Holy Quran does not say that man was the last link in the chain of evolution of various animals. Rather, it says that human evolution is independent. Let us take the following example, where Allah the Almighty stated:
“‘What is the matter with you that you expect not wisdom and staidness from Allah? And He has created you in [different] forms and [different] conditions. Have you not seen how Allah has created seven heavens in [perfect] harmony. And has placed the moon therein as a light, and made the sun as a lamp? And Allah has caused you to grow as a [good] growth from the earth. Then He will cause you to return thereto, and He will bring you forth a [new] bringing forth’” (Surah Nuh, Ch.71: V.14-19)
Allah mentions, here, the process of mankind’s creation from the earliest stage when he lies dormant in the form of dust. The inorganic elements of the earth, through a subtle process of change, become converted into the life-germ through the agency of food which man eats.
And this is just an example of many about the creation of man in the Holy Quran.
Moreover, Allah the Almighty said:
“Such is the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Mighty, the Merciful, Who has made perfect everything He has created. And He began the creation of man from clay. Then He made his progeny from an extract of an insignificant fluid. Then He fashioned him and breathed into him of His spirit. And He has given you ears, and eyes, and hearts. [But] little thanks do you give!” (Surah as-Sajdah, Ch.32: V.7-10)
The human body is a marvel, comprised of trillions of cells organised into tissues and organs. With over 200 different cell types, each performing specific functions, our bodies are a testament to the complexity of life. When cells of the same type aggregate, they form tissues like the lining of the intestine or the skin’s surface. These diverse tissues come together to create organs such as the lungs or the liver, which, in turn, collaborate to fulfil common functions, shaping integrated systems like the digestive system. In addition to eleven vital organs necessary for survival, the human body boasts over 100,000 miles of blood vessels, with the aorta standing as the largest, ferrying blood from the heart to every corner of the body.
Among the myriad wonders of the human body lies the fingerprint, a unique identifier for each individual. Throughout human history, no two fingerprints have ever been or will be identical, a testament to the unparalleled individuality crafted by the divine. Imagine an artist tasked with reproducing a hundred distinct fingerprints; even they would struggle to create more than thirty or forty unique prints.
So, how can one deny that a plane was created out of nothing, although, in fact, its creation is inspired by the birds that God created? Yet, he believes that Man, with all his complex body, was created by chance without a Creator! Is this a logical argument?
Furthermore, think of the astonishing complexity of DNA. Each of us possesses enough DNA to stretch from Earth to the sun and back over 300 times. This genetic blueprint, meticulously packaged into chromosomes and nestled within tiny nuclei, defies explanation without acknowledging the wisdom and power of the Creator
Allah the Almighty says:
“And there is not a thing but with Us are the treasures thereof, and We don’t send it down except in a known measure.” (Surah al-Hijr, Ch.15: V.22)
In the creation of God, perfection and balance are inherent in every aspect. Through the study of Allah’s Book, believers gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies and harmony present in His creation.
Let us take the following verses:
“The sun and the moon run their courses according to a fixed reckoning. And the stemless plants and the trees humbly submit to His will.” (Surah ar-Rahman, Ch.55: V.6-7)
From the grandeur of the largest celestial bodies to the humblest stemless plants, all things adhere to certain laws, performing their designated tasks with precision and regularity. Within the vastness of the solar system, just one of countless systems, each celestial body follows its prescribed path without deviation. Any disturbance or deviation from these trajectories could potentially disrupt the delicate balance of the universe, designed to serve humanity.
These verses encompass also the Earth’s magnetic field, a crucial element for sustaining life on our planet. It acts as a protective shield for the Earth from the abundant torrents of charged particles, which are called cosmic rays. These come to Earth from the sun and outer space and could destroy all life in the absence of the magnetic field.
Allah the Almighty states:
“We have adorned the lowest heaven with an adornment — the planets.” (Surah As-Saffat, Ch.37: V.7)
In fact, every planet in the solar system has a benefit for humans; let’s take the example of Jupiter. If Jupiter disappeared, thousands of asteroids, meteorites and rocks would fall on Earth, leading to the destruction of life. This is because Jupiter is like a shield that protects the Earth due to its enormous gravity that pulls these Asteroids far from Earth!
There is a beautiful verse in the Holy Quran which is related to guidance but at the same time it pays attention to the level of Oxygen in the air, as God Almighty says:
“Whomsoever Allah wishes to guide, He expands his bosom for the acceptance of Islam; and whoever He wants to misguide, He makes his bosom narrow and close, as though he were mounting up into the skies.” (Surah al-An‘am, Ch.6: V.126)
We know since the discovery of flight, that the “oxygen” level decreases in height that you feel chest tightness and difficulty of breathing.
This also will urge us to know more about this life-supporting component of the air.
On our earth, the percentage of oxygen in the air is 21%. If it rose to more than 23%, the probability of fires would rise everywhere, and people would not be able to control them. Any spark could cause a fire quickly. But if the oxygen percentage dropped to less than 20%, we would face great difficulties in breathing, we would simply suffocate. Also, if the percentage dropped to less than 16%, it would be impossible to burn anything, even a single match.
Allah the Almighty says:
“For everything has Allah appointed a measure.” (Surah at-Talaq, Ch.65: V.4).
So, let’s now look at the world of insects and reflect on some of them which we think are useless: You may encounter, while lifting a brick, a rock or a piece of wood under a wet floor, small creatures that called “woodlice,” they are the only crustaceans that live on land. Their job is to remove heavy metals that are harmful to humans from the soil such as mercury, cadmium and lead. They also help in cleaning up the aquifers.
What would happen if flies became extinct? Thousands of species of plants that are pollinated by flies to produce seeds would become extinct and hundreds of species of birds that depend for their food and reproduction on these plants would also become extinct. This would then lead to a significant increase in many types of insects and harmful pests and thus most agricultural crops would be destroyed.
The extinction of flies would additionally reduce the decomposition of waste and organic waste that flies work to convert. Consequently, these would make them hotbeds for the reproduction of many types of bacteria and epidemics, damaging the ecosystem and causing the collapse of the food chain. This would eventually lead to the extinction of humans due to hunger or disease. What a great wisdom of God behind His creation, He Who did not create anything in vain.
Allah the Almighty says:
“Verily, We have created everything in [due] measure’ (Surah Al-Qamar, Ch.54: V.50)
Once, it is said that in the city of Nishapur, an old woman asked about a scholar who was surrounded by people: “Who is he?” Upon learning that he was renowned for presenting a thousand proofs of Allah’s existence, she exclaimed, “Glory be to God! Does He truly need evidence of His own existence? If he had not had a thousand doubts, he would not have provided a thousand pieces of evidence!”
The story goes that the scholar, upon hearing her statement, was moved and prayed, “O Allah, grant me the faith of this old woman.” This old woman perceived the presence of Allah in the wonders of His creation – the light of day, the veil of night, the majestic mountains, verdant trees, vast seas, and the myriad creatures that populate the earth. For her, these manifestations of divine craftsmanship were all the evidence of God’s existence she needed.
In fact, if we study every creature of God’s creation, be it a human, an animal, an insect, a plant, a planet, or a star, we will find creativity, accuracy, and perfection that undoubtedly point to the existence of the Creator, so blessed be God, the Best of Creators.
“Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of night and day, and in the ships which sail in the sea with that which profits men, and in the water which Allah sends down from the sky and quickens therewith the earth after its death and scatters therein all kinds of beasts, and in the change of the winds, and the clouds pressed into service between the heaven and the earth, — are indeed Signs for the people who understand.” (Surah al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.165)