All praise belongs to Allah, the Jalsa Salana preparations are fast underway. With Allah’s grace and as a result of the prayers of our beloved Imam, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah strengthen his hand, good progress has been made over the last week.
Jalsa Salana UK will, Insha-Allah, begin on 3 August 2018. Our days are numbered, and there is still much work to be done before the start of the Jalsa Salana.
The flooring for the main men’s marquee has been laid and the frames for the walls and roof have been assembled. This frame will be erected in the coming days. Similarly, the flooring for the main ladies marquee is also complete; the frame is currently being assembled, and will be finalised and erected in the next few days.
Various smaller marquees, which include marquees for Tabshir guests, Tabligh department, accommodation, dining, book stall, various offices both on the men’s side and for Lajna, the two mother-child marquees, as well as the marquee for push chairs etc. are all being erected. Staff of numerous companies as well as volunteers from Khuddam and Ansar are on site installing these marquees and laying miles of track.
Additionally, toilets, showers and other cabins have reached Hadiqat-ul-Mahdi and are being installed. Generators and tower-lights have also reached the site and half of the electric work that is to be done in various marquees has been completed thus far. Pillow tanks for water supply have been placed in their respective locations and pipes have been connected. Water has been filled and chlorination is complete. Water samples have been taken and we will receive a report within a week’s time.
Supplies are continually being received by the store, which includes items for breakfast, disposable cutlery, cleaning supplies, roti plant supplies, flour, milk, juices, lentils, oil, rice, tomatoes, sugar, etc. The roti plant has been cleaned, overhauled, and machine bearings and chains have been greased and oiled. After an empty dry run, 2,400 flat-bread rotis have been prepared with a total of 100 kilograms of flour. Backup burners for the roti-plant will also be acquired and stored on site, ready to provide for all possible contingencies during the Jalsa Salana.
Khidmat-e-Khalq, health and safety, store, maintenance, water supply, electricity and the roti-plant departments are fully operational in Hadiqat-ul-Mahdi at present. Security is also working vigilantly on site.
This Sunday, on 29 July 2018, the formal inauguration of duties will take place. In previous years, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa has blessed us with his presence, and despite his very busy schedule, Huzoor-e-Anwaraa graciously took time out to inspect the Jalsa preparations himself.
Meetings of the Jalsa management committee are taking place on a regular basis, in which Jalsa Salana, Jalsa Gah, Khidmat-e-Khalq, and Lajna collaborate regularly to ensure that preparations take place in a fluid and efficient manner.
Rafiq Ahmad Hayat Sahib – Amir Jamaat UK, Afsar Jalsa Salana and Afsar Khidmat-e-Khalq have met to check the proposed route for Huzoor’s inspection and finalise other relevant matters. The entire route was physically checked and inspected.
A meeting with MTA was also held to coordinate on various matters.
The latest instruction of Huzoor-e-Anwaraa which has been received about the Jalsa Salana preparations is that during the weeks leading up to Jalsa Salana, if any department – be it MTA, Jalsa Gah, security, or anyone else – requires any work to be done in Hadiqat-ul-Mahdi or any other issues addressed, these must be resolved and coordinated through Afsar Jalsa Salana, who is overall responsible during these days.
Mohammad Nasser Khan
Afsar Jalsa Salana