In his monumental work, Haqiqatul-Wahi (The Philosophy of Divine Revelation), the Promised Messiahas writes:
“To say that there is no mention of the Promised Messiah in the Holy Quran is totally wrong. Actually, Allah the Exalted has declared in the Holy Quran that the great mischief is the mischief involving the worship of Isa and has warned that the earth and the heavens may well-nigh burst asunder due to it. Concerning the same time period, the Holy Quran has prophesied the occurrence of the plague, earthquakes, and other calamities, and explicitly announced that the various terrible catastrophes that would appear in the heavens and the earth during the Latter Days would be the chastisement for the worship of Isa. And then, on the other hand, it is laid down in the Holy Quran that:
وَمَا كُنَّا مُعَذِّبِيْنَ حَتَّى نَبۡعَثَ رَسُوْلًا
“[i.e., ‘We never punish until We have sent a Messenger’ (Ch.17: V.16)]
“This verse, therefore, manifestly proves that the Holy Quran prophesies about the Promised Messiah. Anyone who reads the Holy Quran with diligence and integrity will realise that in the Latter Days, when most parts of the earth will be demolished and turned upside down on account of terrible calamities, the pandemic plague will break out, and death will reign supreme on every front, it is essential that a Messenger [of God] should come as Allah the Exalted says:
وَمَا كُنَّا مُعَذِّبِيْنَ حَتَّى نَبۡعَثَ رَسُوْلًا
“Meaning, ‘We never punish people unless we first send a Messenger.’ Thus, as is borne out by events in the past, when even minor chastisements were preceded by the coming of Prophets, how then is it possible that at the time of this most terrible chastisement – which is the chastisement of the Latter Days and which shall envelope the entire earth, and about which all the Prophets had warned– a Messenger of God should not appear? This would amount to an outright negation of the Word of God. Hence, this Messenger is none other than the Promised Messiah. Since the cause of these chastisements, without the least doubt, is the mischief of Christianity, so was it but necessary that a Messenger– appropriate to the situation created by the mischief rife in the world– should appear with the purpose of putting an end to the said mischief. This is why this Messenger is called the Promised Messiah. This proves that the Holy Quran does mention the Promised Messiah and this is exactly what we had wanted to establish.
“Anyone can appreciate that if– according to the Holy Quran– at the time of the great Christian mischief, the coming of a punishment was necessary, then the coming of the Promised Messiah was also necessary. And it is clear that the coming of this chastisement during the peak of Christianity’s mischief is proven from the Holy Quran. Thus, the coming of the Promised Messiah is also proven from the Holy Quran. Similarly, it is generally proven from the Holy Quran that Allah the Exalted says that when We decide to visit a people with chastisement, We permit their hearts to become filled with sinfulness and immorality and, as a result, they exceed all limits of indulgence in their carnal desires and shamelessness. It is then that divine chastisement overtakes them. It is obvious that these matters, too, have reached a climax in Europe, thereby inviting chastisement which, in its own right, requires the [simultaneous] presence of a Messenger of Allah– and the same is the Promised Messiah. Thus, it is indeed surprising that these people should allege that the Holy Quran makes no mention of the Promised Messiah. Furthermore, this Quranic verse:
كَمَا اسۡتَخۡلَفَ الَّذِينَ مِن قَبۡلِهِمۡ
“[i.e., ‘As He made Successors from among those who were before them’ (Ch.24: V.56)] also requires that in the fourteenth century, one like Isa [Jesus] should make his appearance in the ummah, quite like Hazrat Isa, who appeared fourteen centuries after Musa [Moses], so that a similarity should be maintained between the beginning and the end of both orders.
“Furthermore, the following verse of the Holy Quran also contains this prophecy:
وَإِنْ مِّنْ قَرۡيَةٍ إِلَّا نَحۡنُ مُهۡلِكُوْهَا قَبۡلَ يَوۡمِ الۡقِيٰمَةِ أَوۡ مُعَذِّبُوْهَا عَذَابًا شَدِيدًا
“Meaning, ‘There is not a town but We shall destroy it before the Day of Resurrection or punish it with a severe punishment.’ This means that a terrible chastisement shall descend upon the world in the Latter Days. While on the other hand, God says:
وَمَا كُنَّا مُعَذِّبِيْنَ حَتَّى نَبۡعَثَ رَسُوْلًا
“[‘We never punish until We have sent a Messenger.’]
“This also shows that a Messenger will appear in the Latter Days, and he it is who will be the Promised Messiah. And this same prophecy is contained in Surah al-Fatihah, for God Almighty has designated the Christians as الضَّآلِّينَ – ‘those who have gone astray’. This contains the indication that although hundreds of religious groups exist in the world who have gone astray, the Christians shall transgress all limits to the extent that they alone will stand out as the misguided ones. And when the misguidance of a people becomes extreme and they do not desist from committing sins, it is the established practice of Allah that such a people are overtaken by divine chastisement. Thus, from this too it becomes necessary that the Promised Messiah must appear; that is, in keeping with the requirement of the verse:
وَمَا كُنَّا مُعَذِّبِيْنَ حَتَّى نَبۡعَثَ رَسُوْلًا
“[‘We never punish until We have sent a Messenger’]”. (Haqiqatul-Wahi [English], pp. 625-628)
In addition to this, the sayings of the Promised Messiahas as uttered at various times and occasions have been collected in the series Malfuzat. Therein, it is reported that on 20 January 1901, the Promised Messiahas said on this very subject:
“There are four chapters in the Holy Quran which are recited often, and they contain mention of the Promised Messiah and his community. Firstly, there is Surah Fatihah, which is recited in every unit (rak‘ah) of the formal Prayer. This chapter contains proof in support of my claim, as shall be established in this commentary. Secondly, there is Surah al-Jumu‘ah which contains the following verse in respect of the Promised Messiah and his community:
وَاٰخَرِيْنَ مِنۡهُمۡ
“‘And among others from among them.’ This surah is recited every Friday. Thirdly, there is Surah al-Kahf, the recitation of which the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has emphasised. The first and last 10 verses of this chapter speak of the Antichrist. Fourthly, the last chapter of the Holy Quran, in which the Antichrist has been given the name khannas (the evil whisperer); this is the same word which has also been used for the Antichrist in the Hebrew Torah, i.e. Nahash (נָחָשׁ). In the same manner, there is extensive mention in other instances throughout the Holy Quran as well.” (Malfuzat [English], Vol. 3, pp. 99-100)