Ata-ul-Haye Nasir, Al Hakam

On 22 August 1955, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud, Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra, addressed a reception at the Grosvenor Hotel in London which was organised in his honour by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK.
The Civil and Military Gazette reported:
“London Reception for Ahmadiyya Chief
“London, Aug. 24 – ‘Turn towards God instead of materialism to attain world peace,’ was the theme at a reception held on Monday afternoon at Grosvenor Hotel here in honour of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, head of the Ahmadiyya movement. The reception was arranged by the Ahmadiyya community of Great Britain. Members of the movement arrived not only from different parts of the country to attend the function but also from Africa and the United States.
“Mr Maulood Ahmad Khan, Imam of London Mosque, presented a formal address. Other speakers included Sir Francis Low on behalf of the East India Association, Sir Harold Shoobert on behalf of the Pakistan Society and Rev. Mr Mason on behalf of Central Rotary Club. The Imam emphasised the importance of Islamic spiritual values and hoped that the members of the movement would live up to them and provide an example to others.
“The head of the Ahmadiyya movement expressed pleasure at the high spiritual standard intended to be set up in practice by the community. Since most of the members in Great Britain came from Pakistan he felt sure that their fine example would not only elevate them spiritually but would also be a matter of pride for Pakistan.
“He hoped that the terrifying atomic destructive forces would be completely harnessed for the benefit of mankind and the world thus assured of everlasting peace. – Reuters.” (The Civil and Military Gazette, 25 August 1955, p. 2)

During this reception, Sir Francis Low, Sir Harold Shoobert, and Rev. Mr Mason warmly welcomed and expressed their gratitude to Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra on behalf of the East India Association, Pakistan Society, and London Rotary Club, respectively.
During his speech, Huzoorra called on the members of the Jamaat to follow the Islamic principles in all fields, and as a piece of advice for the people of Pakistan, Huzoorra said that they ought to always keep in mind the interest of their country and to prove their loyalty and honesty through their actions. Advising the Europeans, Huzoorra urged them to pay heed to God Almighty instead of inclining towards materialism. Huzoorra emphasised that if this principle is acted upon, then a peaceful and harmonious society can surely be established. (Al Fazl, 25 August 1955, p. 1)
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra speech was translated into English by Hazrat Sir Chaudhry Muhammad Zafrulla Khanra.
The Civil and Military Gazette reported:

“Ahmadiyya Chief’s Plea for Patriotism
“An impassioned appeal to the people of Pakistan to keep the interests of the country above everything else and to act as patriotic and loyal citizens was made here by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, head of the Ahmadiyya movement.
“He was speaking at a largely attended reception held in his honour by the Ahmadies of London. Among those present were Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Judge of the International Court of Justice, Sir Francis Low of the East India Association, the Pakistan High Commissioner, Mr Ikramullah, Mr Muhammad Mir Khan, permanent delegate of Pakistan at UN, the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Harold Schubert of the Pakistan Society and Sir Haviland.
“Mirza Bashiruddin also called upon his followers to lead their lives according to the tenets of Islam.
“Speaking to the Europeans there he urged them to seek strength and inspiration from God instead of entirely material sources. He said this was the only way to save the world from the blight of the atom and hydrogen bombs.” (The Civil and Military Gazette, 31 August 1955, p. 4)