It is incumbent for people to remember the Hereafter. One ought to be fearful before punishment arrives.
مرد آخر بیں مبارک بندہ ایست
“A person who keeps their sights set on the Hereafter is fortunate.”
Observe how the people of Lotas and others faced their end. It is essential that even if a person is hardhearted, they ought to admonish it and teach it to be humble and meek. This is necessary for our community more than all others because they receive fresh insight in matters divine. If an individual claims that they are blessed with divine understanding, but they do not act upon it, then such claims are nothing but mere boasting and bragging.
Therefore, our community must not become heedless on account of the negligence of others, nor allow their love to cool on account of the lack of passion in others. An individual harbours many desires. Who has knowledge of the hidden matters of destiny and decree? Life never moves in parallel with one’s wishes. A person’s longings are one thing, but the design of fate and destiny is quite another and it is this phenomenon which is true to life. Bear in mind that the circumstances of a person’s life are in the knowledge of God Almighty. Who knows what life has in store for them? This is why an individual must constantly awaken their heart to make it vigilant…
It is a pity that although afflictions have become widespread, the arrogance and pride that consumes the people has not diminished.
I truthfully say that they will not be dispelled until the obstinacy and prejudice of the people is removed. I observe that people are not fully prepared to reconcile with God Almighty. During the period of famine, the people remained unmoved. In earlier times, a religious edict issued from Mecca or Medina would frighten people. When someone would say that an edict had been issued from Mecca, people would become awe-inspired, but now, even the calamities of the present day do not inspire them in the least. It is my opinion that until people turn to God completely, divine decree will never change. Allah the Almighty states:
اِنَّ اللّٰہَ لَا یُغَیِّرُ مَا بِقَوۡمٍ حَتّٰی یُغَیِّرُوۡا مَا بِاَنۡفُسِہِمۡ
“Surely, Allah changes not the condition of a people until they change that which is in their hearts.”
14 January 1898
[On one occasion, there was some discussion related to the courts and how witnesses are intimidated by lawyers and judges. The Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, said:]
Often, witnesses become so intimidated by lawyers and judges in court that they fail to protect the rights of mankind and utter some untrue or false statement here or there, which results in injustice. To be in awe of the courts is also a form of associating partners with Allah. God Almighty states:
اِنَّ الشِّرۡکَ لَظُلۡمٌ عَظِیۡمٌ
“Surely, associating partners with God is a grievous wrong”…
Some British judges are meticulous in examining the facts and only issue a verdict after deep contemplation and reflection. It so happened, as per the will of God, that on one occasion, during the time of Mirza Sahib (my father), I was in Amritsar to appear in the court of the commissioner for a case with some of our tenants. One day, before the verdict was to be announced, the commissioner was unjustly favouring the tenants and turning a blind eye to their mischief and said in court that these were poor people and we were being unjust towards them. That night I saw in my dream that the very same Englishman was standing before me in the form of a child and I was patting his head with my hand. The next morning, when we went to court, his state had changed completely, as if he was a new person altogether. He rebuked the tenants sternly and issued a verdict for the case in our favour and also ordered them to pay for all our expenses…
One of the ethical responsibilities of a judge is to reflect deeply over cases so that no one is made to suffer injustice…
Until and unless an individual is strong-willed and calm in disposition, it becomes difficult for a person to stand in the presence of worldly judges. What then will be the state of such people when they stand before the Lord who is the Greatest of Judges?…
In light of the Torah, the seed which issues forth from adultery is accursed and one who is crucified is also accursed. It is astonishing that for their own salvation, the Christians have crafted the doctrine of atonement and for this purpose they have accepted that Christ was put on the cross and became accursed. When they have accepted one form of curse to be applicable to Christ, why do they not accept the other form of curse in his respect also, so that their concept of atonement may become even stronger? When the word “curse” has been deemed acceptable, then it makes no difference whether it is applicable in one sense or two. However, the Holy Quran has refuted both these forms of curse in the case of Jesus and responds by saying that not only was Jesus of pure birth, but his demise was also by natural means, not by crucifixion…
A righteous person turns to God and the entire world follows them of their own accord. But a worldly person bears grief and pain for the sake of the world, yet even still does not find comfort from the world. Just observe how the companions of the Holy Prophetsa abandoned the world, yet despite this, they not only became wealthy in terms of materialistic goods, but also partook in the fruit of the hereafter.
(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Malfuzat, Vol. 1, pp. 148-150)