Ataul Mujeeb Rashed, Missionary-in-Charge UK

Whenever Allah Almighty sends a Prophet to guide and lead humanity, He, by His grace, grants the Prophet devoted believers who wholeheartedly dedicate themselves to him. These believers follow the Prophet’s guidance in every respect, thereby achieving high ranks in spirituality and service to the faith. The best example of this extraordinary transformation is seen in the blessed life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
In this era, an example of such a spiritual revolution and selfless devotion can be seen in the blessed life of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah, peace be upon him, who was granted the high status of a subordinate Prophet under the shadow of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. Allah Almighty also bestowed upon him a large circle of devoted companions who revived the memories of the early centuries of Islam.
While mentioning the propagation of Islam, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiahas, also gave this glad tiding:
“I saw [in a vision] that I was standing on a pulpit in the city of London and was setting forth the truth of Islam in the English language, in a very well-reasoned address. Thereafter, I caught several birds who were sitting upon small trees and were of white colour and their bodies resembled the bodies of partridges. I interpreted this vision as meaning that though I would not be able to travel to that country, my writings will be published among them and many righteous English people will be attracted by the truth.” (Izala-e-Auham, pp. 515-516, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 3, p. 377)
By the grace of Allah Almighty, the glad tidings given to the Promised Messiahas have been and continue to be fulfilled.
This brief article aims to honour the memory of a late English Ahmadi. When I arrived in the UK in 1983 as the imam of Fazl Mosque London and the Missionary-in-Charge for the UK, I was introduced after some time to a very sincere English Ahmadi friend named Daood Douglas Summers. His date of birth was 5 November 1916, and he passed away on 25 December 1988, at nearly 72 years of age. He is buried in the Jamaat’s cemetery in Brookwood.
When I was introduced to him, his residence was not far from Fazl Mosque. He had converted to Islam Ahmadiyyat quite some time ago. Although his wife was not Ahmadi, his three sons frequently visited Fazl Mosque with their father and had an interest in Islam. We would engage in ongoing discussions and questions. Daood Summers had a strong desire for his three sons to remain connected with Ahmadiyyat as they grew up and to actively serve Islam.
A fond journey after Islamabad’s first gathering
In 1984, upon the instruction of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh, the UK Jamaat was blessed with the opportunity to purchase a large piece of land in Tilford, which was named “Islamabad” under the guidance of Huzoorrh. Shortly after the purchase, despite the place being in a very dilapidated condition, which had been an old and broken-down school dining hall, Ansarullah UK was granted the opportunity to hold an event there within a few days. This was the first gathering held at Islamabad, where Huzoorrh participated and delivered a speech. After this inaugural event at Islamabad, a bai‘at (oath of allegiance) ceremony was also held. Following the prayers and meals, the attendees returned to their homes.
When I stepped outside the hall, where the event was held, I saw Daood Summers standing quietly alone. I approached him and greeted him with Salam. He was very pleased and mentioned that although he had managed to come with a friend, he now had no way to return, and it was getting dark. I reassured him not to worry, as I was alone in my car and offered to take him with me. He said his home was quite far away, near Gatwick Airport. I told him not to worry, as I knew the way to the airport. And I told him to then direct me from Gatwick; it would be fine. Hearing this, he was very happy; his eyes brightened, and a smile appeared on his face.
Reciting “Bismillah,” he got into the car with me, and we both set off from Islamabad into the darkness of the night. It was quite a long journey, and it was just the two of us in the car. When our conversation began, it continued uninterrupted. In his unique and straightforward manner, he shared his experiences openly. As I drove, I listened to everything with attention and interest. Throughout the journey, he spoke very candidly about his life. Generally, he was a quiet person, but that day, I thoroughly enjoyed his candid conversation. I continued driving while he narrated various stories. It turned out to be a very pleasant journey. As we approached Gatwick Airport, I mentioned that I knew the way up to here, and now he could guide me to his home. He provided directions, and within a few minutes, we were in front of his house. He expressed heartfelt gratitude and invited me inside for tea, but it was quite late. I politely declined with thanks and returned to my home.
This is a brief account of the journey that is etched in my heart. The memory of his goodness, piety, and gentle, pleasant conversation remains alive in my heart. He did not engage in any frivolous or unnecessary talk but shared sincere and heartfelt stories. He was a very righteous and prayerful elder. I will always remember this journey. May Allah grant him a high rank in Paradise, Amin!
Eagerness to read the Holy Quran in Arabic
I often met with the esteemed Daood Summers. He would walk to the mosque, usually arriving well before the Zuhr prayer. He would come to my office, share his old memories, and ask religious questions. He was a very quiet, pious, and sincere Ahmadi.
His routine was to generally sit in the mosque after Zuhr, perform nawafil (voluntary prayers), and remain engaged in the remembrance of Allah until Asr.
One day he came to my office and happily shared the news that he had decided to start reading the Holy Quran in Arabic. He told me that he had arranged a programme with an Ahmadi friend, Dr Mujeebul Haq Khan Sahib, to sit in his car for a while every day after Zuhr prayers and take a lesson in the Holy Quran from him. He also mentioned that he had begun this noble endeavour with the Qaida Yassarnal Quran.
Hearing this delightful news made me extremely happy. He was English and completely unfamiliar with Arabic, making his enthusiasm all the more commendable. I congratulated him and then asked, “Summers Sahib! Do tell me, how did you come up with this noble idea? You don’t know Arabic, and you are also over 60 years old.” Hearing this, he explained, “Actually, a few days ago, I was reflecting on my circumstances. It suddenly occurred to me that I was getting older. I do not know when I might pass away and stand before Allah. Along with this, it suddenly struck me that if Allah were to ask me, ‘Mr Summers! Tell me, did you read that letter and message of Mine, that I sent to the whole world, including you, named the Holy Quran?’ Then what answer will I give to Allah? If my response were, ‘O God! Your message was in Arabic, and I do not know Arabic;’ this excuse would not be acceptable. Allah would say that you could have sought help from someone! Reflecting on this situation, I immediately decided and resolved to start with the Qaida Yassarnal Quran with the help of an Ahmadi friend and, after completing it, begin reading the Holy Quran.”
I was very pleased to hear all this. I stood up and once again extended my heartfelt congratulations to him. After that, the Quranic education program for Daood Summers Sahib began. He kept informing me intermittently that he had read so many pages of the Qaida today, completed the Qaida, and then started the Holy Quran. He would update me that he had finished one Juz, then five Juz, and eventually eight Juz. One day, he joyfully announced that he had completed 10 Juz of the Holy Quran. However, a few days later, I received the sad news of the passing of our respected English Ahmadi, Daood Summers. Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Raji‘un.
Even today, I remember the courage, determination, effort, and dedication of the esteemed Daood Summers and pray for the elevation of his ranks. I am certain that he must have presented himself before Allah with a contented heart and become a recipient of Allah’s pleasure. May Allah grant him His nearness and elevate his ranks further through the blessing of reading the Holy Quran, despite his old age. Ameen!
This incident provides a memorable lesson for both the children and adults of the Jamaat!
A lesson in generosity and faith
Our respected English brother, Daood Summers Sahib, was a very pious, noble, sincere, and quiet person. I also remember another incident of his virtuous character, which is etched on my mind. Daood Sahib was very regular in paying his financial contributions. In his later years, his financial situation was quite weak, but despite this, after pledging allegiance, he remained very consistent in making his contributions.
There came a time when he had some outstanding contributions to pay. Coincidentally, this was around the beginning of the month of Ramadan. The local jamaat would give some money as a gift to less privileged and elderly members on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr. Summers Sahib’s name was on this list. I remember inviting him to my home one day. We had a conversation, and then I gave him an envelope, explaining that it contained some money as a gift for him from the Jamaat in honour of Eid. I asked him to accept it.
Daood Summers hesitated to take it. I explained that it was a gift, and a gift should be accepted. Hearing this, he agreed to take it and thanked the Jamaat. Then, in the next moment, he asked, “Is all this money mine now, and am I authorised to spend it as I wish?” I replied, “Yes, you are completely authorised; now this money is yours, and you can spend it however you like.” Hearing this, a smile appeared on his face, and the clouds of hesitation lifted.
He immediately took out the envelope he had put in his pocket and opened it. It contained a substantial amount of money. He said, “First, please take out the amount for my fidya because I could not fast.” Then he added, “Also, take out my fitrana.” I was deeply moved by this act of faith. He then asked what other categories he could contribute to. I guided him, and my heart was filled with admiration for his generosity and spirit of sacrifice as he allocated the entire remaining amount to various contributions, not keeping a single penny for himself. He kept the empty envelope in his pocket.

Witnessing the spirit of sacrifice from this devoted and selfless English Ahmadi filled me with immense gratitude to Allah Almighty. All praise belongs to God! Allah has blessed the Ahmadiyya Jamaat with such dedicated and sincere members, and even today, Alhamdulillah, there is no shortage of such devout individuals. The example of Daood Summers Sahib’s sacrifice is one that will forever remain etched in my mind, and surely, it serves as an exemplary model for others to remember and emulate.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saa prayer
The final point of this account is that, by the grace of Allah, this noble spiritual soul also had the honour that long after his burial in the Brookwood community cemetery, on an occasion when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa went for the burial of another elder, Mustafa Thabit Sahib, during the preparation of the grave, Huzooraa inspected the other graves in the cemetery. I remember that during this time, Huzooraa asked me where the grave of Daood Summers Sahib was. When I pointed it out, Huzooraa kindly went near his grave, raised his hands, and led a prayer for his forgiveness. The members present on the occasion also joined.
May Allah bless Daood Summers Sahib with a place in Paradise and raise his rank in His closeness. Amin!
(Translated from Urdu by Jalees Ahmad, London)