Embrace modesty and prepare to lead the world: Scottish waqifaat-e-nau have mulaqat with Huzoor

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On Sunday, 23 June 2024, a group of waqifaat-e-nau from Scotland, visited Islamabad, Tilford, UK, and had the honour of a mulaqat with Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa.

Upon arrival at the MTA studio, Huzooraa greeted everyone with salaam and invited Maria Akbar Sahiba to recite a portion of the Holy Quran, followed by its English translation read out by Farhana Saeed Sahiba. Then, Meerab Goraya Sahiba read out a hadith, after which Sabeeka Basharat Sahiba had the opportunity to recite a nazm (poem).

The participants then asked several questions, which Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa addressed and answered.

The first question presented to Huzooraa was from Rasheeqa Samad Khan Sahiba, Regional Coordinator Waqifaat-e-Nau Scotland. She asked Huzooraa how they could increase the attendance in classes of those who are now married and cannot join the causes due to being busy with marriage and looking after their children.

In response to the question, Huzooraa referred to the Waqifaat-e-Nau secretary and noted that she also has children, yet she manages to conduct classes and fulfil her duties. “It is all about one’s intention,” Huzooraa said. If one makes the intention to participate in classes and allocates time, it is possible to do so. Huzooraa acknowledged that sometimes children are very young and require care, which is understandable. However, Huzooraa emphasised that regularly abstaining from attendance is not the correct approach.

Huzooraa further explained that being a waqif-e-nau is not meant to be easy; otherwise, everyone would be a waqif or waqifah. He said, “Doing waqf means that: ‘For whatever duty I am called towards for the sake of God, for the cause of the Jamaat, or for a Jamaat-related programme that is beneficial – even if I have to undergo hardships – I shall attend to it.”

Huzooraa added that it is essential to help Waqf-e-Nau members realise, with compassion, their responsibilities. They must manage their time effectively to fulfil both their duties and their roles as parents.

Zaiba Ahmad, 12, asked about the significance of the numbers 33, 33, and 34 in tasbih after salat, and why we do not recite any surah after Surah al-Fatihah in the last two rak‘ahs during prayers.

Huzooraa said:

“The significance is: once, a party of poor Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa came to him and said that ‘there are quite a few well-off people who do all types of sacrifices; they do Jihad, and because of their being well affluent, they spend money in the cause of Allah, but we do not have enough money to spend.’ The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, ‘Okay, I will tell you one thing which can make you such as if you have done all those types of sacrifices which they are making.’”

Huzooraa said, that the Holy Prophetsa then recommended reciting SubhanAllahAlhamdulillah, and Allahu Akbar – 33 times, 33 times, and 34 times, respectively, totaling 100 times, after each salat. This practice was advised because reciting these names and praising Allah 100 times earns blessings from Allah the Almighty.

“It is not that you cannot go beyond that. You can even recite, if you have time, more than that, even the whole day. Hence, as the Holy Prophetsa has advised, you should do zikr-e-ilahi. Always remember Allah all the time.”

Alluding to the tasbihat after salat, Huzooraa said, “In the short time, you can do this much. If you do it after each prayer, that means you have recited the name of Allah the Almighty, glorified His name, and sought His blessing 500 times in a day. That is quite a good number, which can please Allah the Almighty.”

Further, alluding to the second half of the question, Huzooraa said, “Whatever we are doing, we have to follow the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.”

Next, upon being asked how Huzooraa prevents himself from getting overwhelmed by his busy schedule and heavy workload, he said: “That is all due to Allah’s blessing.”

Anayah Ahmad, 8, said she was left-handed and found it hard to use her right hand for tasks. She asked Huzooraa to pray for her and guide her.

Huzooraa, speaking with her, said: “If you are left-handed, it doesn’t matter. There are quite a number of people who are left-handed. But, make it a point that whenever you are eating food, you should try to use your right hand.”

Next, a member told Huzooraa that she wanted to start practising proper and better purdah but felt shy about doing this in front of her friends and teachers. She asked for Huzoor’saa advice on this.

In response, Huzooraa said:

“Do you believe in God? Do you think it is a commandment of Allah the Almighty that you should be modestly dressed – And cover your face and head? Do you think this is the Quran’s injunction?”

In response, the questioner affirmed that she did believe. Then, Huzooraa said, “Then, you should not feel shy. Then, you will have to make yourself determined that whatever you are going to do, you will do according to the teachings of Islam and according to the commandments of Allah the Almighty. There is no need to feel shy or worry about what other people say about you.”

Huzooraa reminded her that she is among those people who will be guiding the world and added that she should create confidence within herself. “If you are shy, then who will lead the world?”

Next, a young girl requested Huzooraa if he could kindly visit Scotland. In response, Huzooraa smiled and said: “Okay, Pray!”

Sabeeka Basharat said that at times it is seen that children and parents have differences of opinion on some matters, such as choosing a subject in school. She said that on one end, there is the matter of obeying the parents, and on the other hand, there is the matter of how a child is more interested in another subject. She asked what one should do in such a situation.

Huzooraa answered that the matter is that the students themselves are the ones who will have to study the subject, and thus what the child desires to study should be chosen. Huzooraa said that when people ask him for guidance on what subject they should choose, they give three choices. And, Huzooraa added, out of the three choices, he tells them what he deems to be suitable and also states that they should opt for what they desire.

Hala Akbar requested prayers as she was soon to be travelling abroad to work in a Jamaat hospital for four weeks. She also asked Huzooraa for guidance, as she was soon to be graduating as a new doctor.

Huzooraa said that the institute she was going to was a state-of-the-art institute. Huzooraa added that she should learn and gain experience, and if she saw anything where she could give her suggestions, then she may do so.

Next, Kashifa Naeem asked Huzooraa about the appearance of Hell.

Huzooraa said that when Allah punishes and Allah is angry with someone, that alone is a kind of Hell for a person of good nature. “So, try to do good things in this world, so that Allah the Almighty is always pleased with your actions and gives you good rewards.”

Huzooraa added that one should try to make their Heaven in this world, meaning that whatever good deeds one performs here will take one to Heaven and bad deeds will take one to Hell. “In Hell, Allah the Almighty says that there will be fire there. Those who do bad things will get their punishment in Hell for their bad deeds.” 

Dania Shams stated that Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra saw a dream regarding the propagation of Ahmadiyyat in Scotland. She mentioned that the Jamaat is spreading in Scotland to such an extent that the mosque is now too small to accommodate various events and asked if the dream has further meanings.   

In response, Huzooraa said that it means that one should try to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat in Scotland. “If you do it sincerely and with prayers, Allah the Almighty will also help you and you will see the spread of the message of Islam in Scotland very rapidly. But it all depends on your own effort. If you want to make this dream come true, you will have to work hard for it. It also means that all the Ahmadis living there in Scotland should work hard to spread the message of Islam.”

Aqeela Zafar, a medical student, said that many in university ask: if attaining secular knowledge alone makes one a morally good human being, then what is the need for religion in this age? She asked how we can explain the importance of religion to people in light of this.

Huzooraa emphasised that merely fulfilling one aspect of life is insufficient; one must also fulfil the other. Allah has stated that He created human beings for two primary purposes: to fulfil His rights and to fulfil the rights of fellow human beings. Therefore, it is essential to recognise that gratitude towards God is incumbent upon us, Huzooraa said. Furthermore, Huzooraa pointed out that it was religion that originally taught moral goodness.

When asked about Huzoor’saa favourite sport as a child, Huzooraa said that he used to play cricket.

Upon being asked how one can persuade people in their class to believe in God, Huzooraa said that she can tell them her personal experience with God.

Huzooraa asked her if she believed in God and if God had helped her. She answered in the affirmative. Huzooraa then said that she could tell her friends about her personal experience, as it is the reason why she believes in Him. “But you can not force anybody to just accept or believe in Allah the Almighty. And, read the book: Ten Proofs for the Existence of God, it is a small booklet that will also help you. And, also read the book: Our God. Then, you will know how to tackle the situation in different ways.”

In the end, Huzooraa conveyed his salaam and the meeting came to a successful conclusion.

(Report prepared by Al Hakam)

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