The month of May is a harbinger of the summer season in most of the Northern Hemisphere.
May this year will be followed by the season of summer in June, but itself will bring a month called Ramadan – also meaning a sizzling wave of heat.
“Joy” is the one word that can best describe the feelings of the inhabitants of the Western world upon the arrival of summer. And “joy” is again the one word that comprehensively describes the feelings of a Muslim with the arrival of the spiritual summer of Ramadan.
During Ramadan, the Holy Prophetsa is reported to have become even more enthusiastic and fervent in all forms of worship; salat, zakat, sadqa and especially his predawn voluntary prayers. The period of Ramadan was – for him – the high noon of the year.
His Companionsra followed suit and endeavored to escalate their spiritual development.
The Promised Messiahas being the best reflection of the Holy Prophetsa is reported to have devoted every moment of his day and night to make the best of this “spiritual summer”.
The Ahmadiyya Jamaat functions under Khalifatul Masih just as the pulse beats with the heart. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa addresses the worldwide Jamaat through MTA International every Friday.
Going through his sermons of Ramadan over past fifteen years can easily make one feel the heat of this spiritual summer and how he desires for every Ahmadi to be a good conductor of its heat; receiving, absorbing and passing it on to others. It is clear from all his sermons – especially those during the month of Ramadan – that he wants every member of his Jamaat to bring about a complete spiritual and moral reformation in their lives and then uphold it and take it even further with every passing day. As the Muslim World enters the blessed month of Ramadan, Al Hakam will try to stay at par in making the spiritual pulse felt for its readers.
Readers will remember how lovingly Huzooraa mentioned the book Fiqh-ul-Masih in one of his Friday Sermons. This book is a compilation of jurisprudential matters as described by the Promised Messiahas. We will be serialising the chapter of this book on Ramadan and fasting.
Towards the end of Ramadan, Al Hakam will join you as you get geared up to celebrate the joy of Eid-ul-Fitr.