The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Colombo, Sri Lanka observed Tabligh Day on 18 February 2018 at Baitul Hamd Colombo. Several members took part in the programme that commenced at 9am. They were sent in groups to various parts of the Colombo city. The message of Ahmadiyyat reached 1,300 people and a large quantity of leaflets were distributed.

Meeting State Minister of Agriculture, Srilanka
The main event of the programme was a group visit, headed by Chief Missionary Maulvi Mushtaq Ahmad sahib that visited a place called Dehiyovita, sixty kilometers from Colombo. They visited a house where they met seven non-Ahmadis and by Allah’s Grace all of their questions related to Ahmadiyyat were replied in a befitting manner and were convincing for them.
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Sri Lanka have, in the past few months, visited various Government Ministers and presented them with the Sinhala translations of the Holy Quran and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V’saa book, World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace.
These were presented to:
- Hon. T B Ekanayake, State Minister of Lands on 24 January 2018
- Hon. Dilip Wedaarachchi, State Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources on 28 February 2018
- Hon. Champika Premadasa, State Minister of Industry and Commerce on 7 March 2018
- Hon. Wasantha Aluwihare, State Minister of Agriculture on 7 March 2018
The books were received warmly and they all showed deep respect for the Ahmadiyya beliefs. The introduction that was given of the Jamaat was also heard with reverence. Some even commented on how they had already heard of the Community and were well aware of its decent reputation.