Namoode Sahar Kallon, Ishaat Department, Lajna Imaillah UK
On the final day of Jalsa Salana UK 2024, preparations begin for the International Bai‘at ceremony. For this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa arrives at the men’s main marquee, and everybody places their hand on the person before them – all leading to the hand of our beloved Khalifaaa to pledge their allegiance to Islam Ahmadiyyat and affirm their acceptance of the Imam Mahdias.
However, what happens on the ladies’ side of the jalsa gah, where beloved Huzooraa is not present in person? How do we pledge our allegiance “at the hand of Masrooraa”?
The blazing sun begins to shine, and different coloured fans are held in the hands of women from all over the world as they queue up in lines outside the main ladies’ jalsa gah as early as 11 am, ready to sit inside and prepare for the International Bai‘at. By 11:45 am, half of the marquee is filled with women sitting patiently, listening to the speeches and awaiting the bai‘at ceremony to commence. Some are excited; some are nervous; some are about to perform their first bai‘at and complete their conversion into Ahmaddiyat; some use bai‘at as a means of having a restart in life. No matter the feeling and reason, one thing is undoubtedly clear: the International Bai’at is a needed re-awakening and reminder of the purpose of our lives, an inexplicable feeling that resonates deeply with everybody and unites us all as a Community.
Shortly after 12:30 pm, the rehearsal begins. Even before Huzooraa arrives, melodious voices are heard from every corner of the marquee as the women rehearse the pledge. Eyes already start to well up during this rehearsal, knowing what is about to begin, and tissues are placed in the laps of sisters as they anticipate Huzooraa’s arrival.
When beloved Huzooraa arrives, everybody sits up tall as he begins the International Bai’at ceremony:
Ash-hadu alla ilaha illAllahu…
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah…
Suddenly, powerful and robust voices fill the ladies’ marquee as they repeat after Huzoor-e-Anwaraa, as though it is not the tongue that is speaking, but each and every woman’s heart firmly conveying and testifying their profound belief in Allah the Almighty. Despite the ladies not holding onto each other like the men do, as their hands do not physically lead to the hand of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa, there is a connection that is felt radiating from every single woman that combines to create an energy similar to the Earth’s magnetic field. Through the emotions, the yearning, and the heartfelt desire to pledge their allegiance and renew their covenant with All-Powerful God, the atmosphere shifts in the huge marquee to one of Allah’s peace and mercy; the sisterhood, through chanting in unison and being witnesses for each other’s oaths, creates a spiritual bond of love and care – for Allah, His Messengersa, the Promised Messiahas, the Khalifaaa of the Time and each other. Voices crack as the women begin to cry and affirm their full faith in the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa as the Seal of all the Prophets and testify their belief in Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas being the same Imam Mahdi that was prophesied by the Holy Prophetsa. The cries turn into sobs as the sisters recite istighfar together in unison. It is loud, it is strong, and it is a connection that does not require physicality. Simultaneously, there is an indescribable, feeling of the Most Merciful Allah being present as everyone proclaims and admits to Allah that they have wronged their souls.
Once the bai‘at finishes, the silent prayer takes place. As every woman brings her hands towards her face, it is as though they are collecting their own tears as they rapidly gush out of their eyes and fall onto their palms. Fierce sobs are heard from every row – the ladies cry so loudly despite being in a marquee full of hundreds of strangers. Still, the atmosphere is free from judgement, and every woman feels this as they plead and pray to God with such emotion and undying love.
Finally, all sisters stand shoulder to shoulder for Zuhr and Asr as they make their first prayers behind Huzooraa after re-affirming their faith in Islam Ahmadiyyat.
As they leave the main Lajna marquee for lunch, every woman reflects on her spiritual progress, knowing that they have just made a promise to Allah the Almighty and feel the desire to reform their character even further. Ultimately, this emotional ceremony in the Lajna marquee is one of fervent dedication to Islam Ahmadiyya, loving sisterhood, and an overall cleansing of the soul that is felt physically, mentally and spiritually.