Jalees Ahmad, Al Hakam

Born: 573 AD. Mecca, Arabia
Full name: (Abu Bakr) Abdullah bin Abi Quhafa
Father: Uthman Abu Quhafa
Mother: Salma Ummul-Khair
Tribe: Quraysh (Banu Taym)
Friendship with the Prophetsa
After the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa married Hazrat Khadijara, he settled down in the same area as Hazrat Abu Bakrra. They lived next door to each other and thus became acquainted with one another resulting in them quickly becoming close friends. They also recognised each other as kindred spirits; both shared the same pious habits which increased their ties of friendship.
The Dream
It was at that time that Hazrat Abu Bakrra saw in a dream that a huge moon in the sky was illuminating a tremendous amount of light into the abodes of Mecca. When he related this dream to the people of the book they interpreted it to mean that he would be fortunate enough to accept the Prophet of the age. This was before the Holy Prophetsa was commissioned as a messenger of God.
Acceptance of Islam
At the time of the Holy Prophet’ssa claim of being a prophet of God, Hazrat Abu Bakrra was not present in Mecca. News of the Holy Prophetssa claim had spread fast. Hazrat Abu Bakrra first heard the news from Abu Jahl, who later proved to be staunch enemy of Islam.
When he heard the news, he replied that if he had indeed claimed to be a messenger of Allah then he was speaking the truth.
Without wasting any time, he made his way directly to the Holy Prophet’ssa home and asked if it was true, upon which he received the reply that he had been commissioned as the Messenger of God. Hearing this Hazrat Abu Bakrra, without any hesitation, accepted Islam.
The Holy Prophetsa used to say to his Companions that whenever he invited a person to Islam, usually that person would hesitate and wait for a while before making up his mind to embrace Islam. However, Hazrat Abu Bakr was the only person who neither hesitated nor wavered.
After accepting Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakrra spent his days wholly and entirely in spreading the message of Islam. Due to his efforts and prayers many people from the Quraish accepted Islam among whom were Hazrat Uthman, Hazrat Talha, Hazrat Zubair bin Al-‘Awam, Hazrat Sa’d bin Abi Waqas and Hazrat Abdul Rehman bin ‘Aouf (may Allah be pleased with them all).
The Holy Prophetsa said that when people neglected the message of Islam, it was Hazrat Abu Bakrra who remained by his side and gave his life and wealth for the cause of Islam.
After accepting Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakrra faced many hardships. It is narrated in the books of Hadith that at times, due to their enmity towards Islam, the people of Mecca would abuse Hazrat Abu Bakrra so much so that his hair would fall off due to being dragged around pulled by his hair and beard.
One’s relation with their Creator can be gauged through their level of worship and prayer. In the Holy Quran, we read that man’s sole purpose of creation was to recognise his Lord and Creator. Hazrat Abu Bakrra understood this very well.
We find in a Hadith that before migration to Medina, Hazrat Abu Bakrra made a small Masjid within his home where he would worship God and recite the Holy Quran in a loud yet gentle tone. Later, when Hazrat Abu Bakrra was asked why he had to migrate, he said that the people of Mecca did not like it when he would recite the Quran or worship, even at home.
Passion for Islam’s Defense
Hazrat Abu Bakrra, being the closest companion to the Holy Prophetsa, was among those blessed and fortunate companions who took part in battles and stood side by side with the Prophetsa through thick and thin, from the Battle of Badr all the way to the Victory of Mecca. It was very commonly known among all the companions that Hazrat Abu Bakrra would always be ready to sacrifice his life, wealth and time for the sake of Islam. Countless incidents have been narrated in the books of Hadith regarding this.
Passing of the Holy Prophetsa
Often, the pain of losing someone can seem impossible to get over. When the Holy Prophetsa passed away, the Companions experienced all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, including shock, anger, disbelief, guilt and profound sadness.
Hazrat Umarra was no different. His heart wasn’t ready to accept the Prophet’ssa demise and threatened to kill anyone who said that the Prophetsa had passed away. In such a situation, where the companions were in denial and confusion, Hazrat Abu Bakrra stood up and recited the verse.
“And Muhammad in only a Messenger. Verily, all Messengers have passed away before him. If then he die or be slain, will you turn back on your heels? And he who turns back on his heels shall not harm Allah at all. And Allah will certainly reward the grateful.”
[Surah Al-e-Imran, Ch.3: V.145]
When we read this incident in the Hadith, we find the reactions of the companions who were present. Hazrat Umarra stated that when he heard Hazrat Abu Bakrra recite the verse, he felt as though it had been revealed to him by God at that very moment, though he had recited it before many times. Thus, Hazrat Abu Bakrra was able to bring peace back into the hearts of the Companions. Thereafter the Companions took the Bai’at at the hand of Hazrat Abu Bakrra.
After Hazrat Abu Bakrra was elected as the Khalifa, he gathered everyone in Masjid Nabwi. In his address, he expressed how he in no way desired that he be elected as the Khalifa. He also stated that if anyone else felt that they could carry the responsibility then they were most welcome to do so.
Thus, the reason he accepted the divine status of Khilafat was so that no fitna – disorder – would spread throughout the Muslim Umma.
One of the many accomplishments of his Khilafat was the compilation of the Quran. This was a very sensitive issue, which the foundation of the Muslim Umma relied on. The Battle of Yamama played a major role in motivating Hazrat Abu Bakrra to compile the Quran.
During the life of the Holy Prophetsa many parts of the Quran were memorised by the companions and also written, most of which were scattered and could not be compiled in book-form.
When eight hundred Huffaz (people who had memorised the Quran) were killed in the Battle of Yamama, Hazrat Abu Bakrra ordered the collection of the surviving pieces so that the Quran could be compiled in book-form. This was completed during the Khilafat of Hazrat Uthman.
When we look closely at the life of the Companions of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, we find the true essence and teachings of Islam within their character. We find examples and true-life morals that we must all try to adopt.
Hazrat Abu Bakrra was the Holy Prophet’ssa neighbour, best friend, a true companion and Khalifatur-Rasul. Thus, even today the whole Muslim Ummah remembers him as Al-Siddiq, which according to the Holy Quran is the second highest rank man can attain after Nubuwwah – prophethood.