The trial of the Christians is the mother of trials and this is why the task of the reformer (mujaddid) of the fourteenth century is the breaking of the cross. Now since this sign has been fulfilled in his person, the mujaddid of the fourteenth century has been named the “Promised Messiah”.
For it is established in the hadith that the task of the Promised Messiah was یکسر الصلیب (he would break the cross). Even our opponents must accept that the task of the mujaddid of the fourteenth century should be to break the cross because this is the trial with which he is confronted.
How can there be any room to deny that the Promised Messiah would be the mujaddid of the fourteenth century? My attention is directed to those who have a thirst for the truth; but what benefit can those people derive from us who have no desire to search for the truth and whose dispositions are crooked?

Remember that only those are guided who refrain from prejudice. Those who do not contemplate gain nothing. So let the seeker of guidance know that in the present circumstances, the task of the mujaddid of the fourteenth century is to break the cross because the perilous trial of the cross is rampant.
Islam is such a religion that if even one person left the fold, a wave of astonishment would ripple through society. But now, how unfortunate it is that there are hundreds of thousands who have left Islam. Those who were born in Muslim homes now level all sorts of hurtful allegations against the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, who was the perfect man and whose inner purity has no parallel in the world.
This is to such an extent that tens of millions of books have been published by this group accusing this Leader of the Sinless. Many regular weekly and monthly newspapers, as well as periodicals, have been established for this very purpose. Then in such a state of affairs, would God Almighty send no mujaddid? And when the mujaddid was to appear, think for the sake of God, would his task be to bicker and clash over matters such as raising the hands during the Prayer or reciting “amin” aloud in the congregational Prayer?
One ought to reflect that if a disease was spreading in the form of an epidemic, would a doctor seek to cure that disease or would he provide a remedy to some other illness? The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has become the subject of extreme mockery.
It is written that a companion of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, went so far as to kill his mother upon hearing her dishonour the Prophetsa. This was the jealousy and honour that the Muslims once possessed, but today, they read and listen to slanderous books and feel no indignation. They cannot even bring themselves to dislike such publications.
On the contrary, they oppose, mock and ridicule the person who has been sent specifically by God to put an end to this calamity and who is possessed with a distinct jealousy for the honour and glory of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. May God Almighty Himself grant these people a discerning eye. Amin.
(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Malfuzat, Vol. 1, pp. 178-179)