Every month, a great number of visitors call on Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa and get an opportunity to have an audience with him in his office.
Among the vast array of visitors are Ahmadis from all parts of the world who would do anything to catch a glimpse of their beloved Imamaa, Jamaat officials seeking instructions in a variety of matters, groups of working bodies of various Jamaat organisations seeking guidance in their pursuits. Alongside these visitors, Huzoor’s schedules are punctuated with meetings held with intellectuals, authors, journalists and politicians.
One could ask that the former class of visitors is quite understandable but what interest does the latter class have in having an audience in Huzooraa?
Well, this takes us a long way back in the annals of history – back to the time of the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian.
As his message got out to the world, every class of society was intrigued to find out more about his claims; claims that were novel and bold and, above all, intriguing.
The second advent of the Messiah was a claim that aroused interest of all people of all religions and all walks of life. While the clergy of every faith turned towards him to ask or even question him on this claim, officials of the British Empire could not resist their raising eyebrows. When the Gazetteer of the Gurdaspur District (1891-92) mentioned him as “a man of great eloquence” and a “distinguished preacher” who proves himself “to be the Messiah … directly inspired by the Almighty”, interest from all spheres was destined to follow.
While the Promised Messiahas was warning the world of natural calamities that would befall them if the human race did not repent and did not tread the way of God, he had renowned meteorologists like Clement Wragg visiting him and enquiring his beliefs.
As the Promised Messiahas made it clear that he alone was the saviour of the latter days and the only shield for the defence of Islam, Alexander Russell Webb got in touch from the distant land of North America and got to know Islam through him. Webb was constantly in touch before he accepted Islam and travelled all the way from America to meet him. He regretted all his life that he wasn’t allowed to go to Qadian by the Muslim clergy that starkly opposed the Promised Messiahas.
Griswold wrote a whole book on the Promised Messiahas and read most of it in a conference in the Victoria Institue in London. The British Press, aroused by the mention of an Indian Messiah, could not help cover the story and highlight the claims.
The school founded by the Promised Messiahas in Qadian attracted education officers of the British-Indian government who were excited at the fact that such a small community was able to establish a school in such a small town. They would request an audience and spend time in the company of the Promised Messiahas.
A similar level of interest has always been maintained by the intelligentsia, educationists, researchers, historians and politicians throughout the history of the Jamaat.
The fifth era of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya has seen, from its inception, a very tumultuous phase of world history. Everything seems to be falling apart – from social norms to religious belief, to economy to international polity.
In these times of global unrest, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa has been a tireless voice to all classes of society that can make a difference. Be it social scientists, educationists, historians, religious leaders or politicians, all have been addressed in his lectures and addresses to parliaments and think tanks.
They all know that he is around and is the best source of advice. Knowing that Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stands for Islam at its best (which means humanity at its best), who wouldn’t want to come and visit him?
It is for this reason that even presently, influentials of society come to visit Khalifatul Masih for blessings and guidance as can be seen in this week’s From the Markaz.
(Read letters written by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih to world leaders at www.alislam.org/pathway)
British Conservative Party politician meets Hazrat Khalifatul Masih

On 16 November, Jeremy Hunt, a British Conservative Party politician, met with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa in Islamabad.
During the meeting with Huzooraa, topics were discussed about the issues of religious persecution in Pakistan and around the world and the peaceful work the Jamaat is doing globally to promote peace and the motto of “Love for all, hatred for none”.
The purpose of his visit was to meet with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih and to visit the new mosque which he described as “extremely impressive”. Jeremy Hunt further expressed that he had been coming to the Jamaat’s plot of land in Tilford for many years and said it was wonderful to see the transformation in Islamabad.