11 February 1956: Students of Talim-ul-Islam College Rabwah were given an opportunity to sit in the company of the successful journalist, writer and poet, Abdul Majeed Salik. The title of his speech was “The evolution of my poetry”. Talim-ul-Islam College was the centre of academic and literary events in the country. In February 1956, the college organised speech competitions in which teams from different colleges of Punjab participated. Among the eminent writers and journalists of the country, Naresh Rizvi, Chaudhry Abdul Rashid Tabassum and Abdul Majeed Salik were invited to Rabwah so that they could perform the duties of a judge. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 18, p. 346)
11 February 1966: Rustam Khan Khattak Sahib was martyred in Mardan. He was the first Ahmadi Muslim martyr of the era of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh. He was a resident of Jalozai village near Peshawar. He was the only Ahmadi in his area. A plan was made to wipe out his family. The maulvi of the village mosque issued a fatwa stating that anyone who would kill Rustam Khan and his family would be granted Paradise.
When he attended the funeral of his father, the village maulvi announced, “Rustam Khan, the Qadiani, has come today. Kill him and send and sell his offspring outside the area. He has a son. And now, whoever wants to earn a reward, be brave and come forward because the means of earning Paradise is here.” The next morning, while performing ablution at Fajr, he was shot and martyred. (Friday Sermon, 18 June 1999)
12 February 1946: The Arya Samaj’s Delhi chapter convened an interfaith conference where an Ahmadi scholar, Hazrat Maulana Abul Ata Jalandharira delivered a speech.
A newspaper of the subcontinent, Tej, published a summary of his speech. The title for this conference was, “My religion is not an obstacle to the development of the country.” (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 9, p. 619)
12 February 1957: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra travelled from Mirpur Khas to Nasir Abad during his tour of Sindh, Pakistan. Huzoorra stayed in Nasir Abad for two days and reviewed the cultivation of agricultural property.
Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra used to visit Sindh every year to review the activities of the Jamaat and private lands. However, after the attack of 1954 and the illness of 1955, Huzoorra could not visit Sindh for three years. He visited Sindh on 9 February 1957 and filled thousands of hearts with joy. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 18, p. 427)
13 February 1925: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra urged the need to spread the message of the Jamaat across the world and encouraged every member of the Jamaat to take part in this effort.
Huzoorra pointed out that as all Ahmadi friends donated chanda, in the same way, they should all be engaged in the effort of spreading Islam and exhibiting good morals. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 4, p. 516)
13 February 1944: Hazrat Sheikh Muhammad Bakhshra passed away. This companion was a renowned landlord from Karianwala in district Gujarat, Punjab and entered the Jamaat in 1890. Once, he was facing severe financial hardships and requested the Promised Messiahas for prayers. Upon this, the Promised Messiahas composed his famous poem titled, “Riddance from difficulties”, the opening verse of which is given below.
اِک نہ اِک دن پیش ہوگا تُو فنا كے سامنے
چل نہیں سكتى كسى كى كچھ قضا كے سامنے
“Surely, one day you will face your fate; No one holds power against that which is decreed.” (For the complete poem see: Durr-e-Sameen, English translation, p. 113)
As a result of this prayer, God removed Hazrat Muhammad Bakhsh Sahib’s difficulties.
14 February 1925: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra advised the Muslims of India with regard to communal representation at the elections. His suggestions proved to be of great benefit, especially keeping in mind the political backdrop of India at the time.
In fact, in the British era, the question of sectarian representation had become very complex. Political leaders had also convened an All India Party Conference to resolve the issue but no decision could be reached. (Al Fazl, 14 February 1925, pp. 3-4)
14 February 1948: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra started his tour of Sindh, which continued until 20 March.This was Huzoor’sra first visit to Sindh after the formation of Pakistan. (Al Fazl, 27 February 1948)
15 February 1920: Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra arrived on the shores of Philadelphia to spread the message of the Jamaat in America. Unfortunately, he was barred from entering the country as he was a Muslim preacher and was even detained by the authorities. During his imprisonment, he managed to convert many people to Islam Ahmadiyyat. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 4, p. 250)
15 February 1939: A devout and sincere member of the Jamaat in Afghanistan, Wali Dad Khan Sahib had to brave the martyrdom of his young son, Fazl Dad Sahib. On this date, owing to the lawlessness in the country, opponents attacked again and this time, Wali Dad Sahib was martyred. His body was disposed of in an unknown location.
Wali Dad Khan Sahib had the opportunity to study in Qadian for a long time. (Friday Sermon, 30 April 1999)
16 February 1947: On this date, Maulana Nazir Ahmad Mubashir Sahib got married. He returned to Qadian on 7 January 1947 after serving in the field as a missionary for more than 10 years. His nikah was held before he left for Africa. However, after his nikah, he left to propagate the message of Islam in Africa.
On this date, after eleven years of preaching in Africa and after returning to Qadian, he got married. He worked as the sole preacher on the Gold Coast (Ghana) alone for eight years. There, at times, he would settle on eating bread with salt and pepper. Foods like meat were not available. When Maulana Nazir Ahmad Ali Sahib came to know about this situation in Sierra Leone, he arranged to send half of his allowance to Maulana Nazir Ahmad Mubashir Sahib in spite of his difficult circumstances. (Silsila-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 2, p. 624)
16 February 1956: The local chapter of the Jamaat in Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan convened a three-day annual Jalsa. Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’sra special message was read out regularly every morning of the Jalsa prior to formal sessions.
This message was given by Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra at the request of Faiz Muhammad Khan Sahib, a student of Government College, Dera Ghazi Khan. This short message can be read in volume 17, page 395 of Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat.
17 February 1974: Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh distributed prizes at the end of the third horse racing tournament in Rabwah. Earlier, Huzoorra had inaugurated the tournament on 15 February. This year (1974), 105 riders from different parts of the country arrived in Rabwah to participate in the competitions. (Al Fazl, 19 February 1974, p. 8)