A glimpse into the rich history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

24 January 1909: On this day, with the approval of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira, Hazrat Mir Nasir Nawabra published an announcement in the Badr, stating that given the growing need for amenities in Qadian, four types of buildings were urgently required, for which, he announced, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira had not only given approval, but had also donated 260 rupees. The four buildings he intended to build were:
- A mosque near the boarding house (It was this mosque that would later be known as the Noor Mosque that housed the election of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II in 1914)
- A male hospital (later to be known as Noor Hospital)
- A female hospital to be named Ummul Mominin Ward
- A care home by the name of Dar-ul-Zu‘afa to house the old and frail
To read more about the history of Noor Hospital, see: “The Jamaat’s First Hospital” at alhakam.org (2 November 2018, p. 3).
24 January 2015: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa delivered the keynote address at the International Conference of Humanity First held at the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London. (“Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community addresses Humanity First International Conference”, www.pressahmadiyya.com)
25 January 1974: On this day, during his Friday sermon at Masjid Aqsa, Rabwah, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh called upon sincere and dedicated English-speaking individuals, doctors, teachers, and professors to dedicate their lives to the service of Islam. (Khutbat-e-Nasir, Vol. 5, pp. 393-398)
25 January 1981: On this day, after receiving the Nobel Prize, Dr Abdus Salam arrived in Qadian, India. As per the schedule, he reached Qadian at 8 pm, where he was warmly welcomed. The next day, January 26, his engagements began with a speech after Fajr prayer and continued throughout the day. (Badr, Qadian, 29 January 1981, p. 1)
26 January 1973: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh initiated the planting of trees to make Rabwah a lush green city and announced a scheme to plant 10,000 trees. (Khutbat-e-Nasir, Vol. 5, pp. 19-34)
26 January 2001: On this day, an unprecedented earthquake left Bhuj (Gujarat, India) shattered, the worst-ever disaster in the last 50 years. Almost the entire state reeled under its catastrophic impact. About 13,800 people died and around 167,000 suffered injury. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community sent aid worth 3.5 million rupees and dispatched a medical team to assist the injured and those in need. Additionally, thousands of people were provided with food. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 906)
27 January 1944: On this day, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra arrived back in Qadian from Lahore. The return to Qadian was momentous as in Lahore, he had been informed by Allah through a vision that he was indeed the Musleh-e-Maudra (Promised Son). According to Al Fazl (29 January 1944), on this auspicious and historic occasion, many friends and members of the Jamaat were present at Ahmadiyya Chowk of Qadian to welcome Huzoorra.
27 January 1954: A copy of the Dutch translation of the Holy Quran was presented to Ghulam Muhammad, Governor-General of Pakistan, on this day. This valued gift was from Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra and was delivered by a special delegation of Jamaat members.
The delegation consisted of Sahibzada Mirza Mubarak Ahmad Sahib, Hazrat Malik Ghulam Faridra, Syed Shah Muhammad Sahib and Maulvi Abdul Maalik Khan Sahib.
It would not be out of place here to mention that when all Muslim sects and political groups were bent on proving Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya as non-Muslim, the Jamaat had completed translations of the Holy Quran in various languages and was presenting these translations to the President of Indonesia, the Governor-General of Pakistan and other influential personalities, as well as making it accessible to the general public. For further details, see Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, volume 16, page 413.
28 January 1892: The Promised Messiahas published an ishtihar on this day in which he stated that he had deemed it appropriate to hold a jalsa-e-aam (open meeting) to elucidate certain doubts and misunderstandings and to remove those objections that were raised against him that he had claimed to be a law-bearing Prophet, denied miracles and various other baseless allegations. Huzooras mentioned the location of this Jalsa and stated that it would take place at 1:30 pm on 31 January 1892. (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat, Vol. 1, p. 328)
29 January 1999: On this day, during his Friday sermon, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh launched a global initiative to serve Muslim orphans and widows, particularly in African countries, including Sierra Leone. (Weekly Alfazl Intl., London, 19 March 1999, pp. 5-9)
30 January 1897: Famous Muslim saint Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam Farid wrote letters to the Promised Messiahas expressing his love and devotion. The first of these letters, written in Persian and dated 27 Sha‘ban 1314 AH, was written on this day.
To read more about this correspondence, see: “Letters from Chachran: Khawaja Ghulam Farid’s support of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad” at alhakam.org (29 January 2021, pp. 19-20).
30 January 1956: On this day, a delegation of three established scientists from Russia and America arrived in Rabwah for two days. On the next day, Prof Brotof from Lenin Grad, Prof Skateman, and Prof Emparess from the USA visited Talim-ul-Islam College and addressed the faculty members and students at the campus. Later that day, they also enjoyed the blessed company of Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. (Daily Al Fazl, Rabwah, 1 February 1956, p. 1)