Misbah Anmol Tariq, Jamaica Correspondent
Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Jamaica held its inaugural Ahmadiyya Football Tournament on 12March 2023. In total, there were four teams, representing the following communities from the vicinity of the mosque: Vineyard Estate, Island Farm, Gutters and Old Harbour. Each team consisted of seven players.
The event began with practice matches in February. During this time, teams continued to visit the Mahdi Mosque on Thursdays and Saturdays to prepare for the tournament.
On the day of the tournament, more than a hundred visitors had come to watch the games. The Island Farm team won the tournament.
The event concluded with a short speech by our invited guest, who is a Justice of the Peace. She motivated the youth to be respectful and make better choices in life. The speaker also urged young people to visit the mosque regularly and gain a better understanding of Islam, which is often misunderstood in Jamaica.
In conclusion, the missionary-in-charge, Tariq Azeem Sahib, thanked the visitors and also expressed gratitude towards the volunteers, who made this event successful.