Besmir Yvejsi, Kosovo Correspondent
On 28 February 2024, Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kosovo welcomed Mr Dominic McIntyre, the Political Officer for Human Rights, and Ms Raba Gjoshi, the Political Advisor for Human Rights of the US Embassy in Kosovo. The meeting was held at the Jamaat’s centre in Prishtina.
Among the participants were the local mu‘allim of Peja Alban Zeqiraj, along with my humble self as General Secretary of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kosovo, and Jinahuddin Saif Sahib, President of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kosovo.
The conversation touched upon the recent delegation to Jalsa Salana Germany 2023 and the unveiling of the new translation of the Holy Quran with a short commentary in Albanian. The topic of discussion has also been the upcoming 11th Jalsa Salana Kosovo, which features the international campaign “Voices for Peace”. Mr McIntyre expressed keen interest and even pledged potential participation on behalf of the US embassy.
The significant contributions of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, to the cause of peace were also highlighted.
As a gesture of gratitude, the guests were presented with literature, including The Review of Religions’ December 2023 issue, which is exclusively about peace and interfaith dialogues.
Mr McIntyre wrote in the guest book:
“Thank you for the good work you have done across the world to advance peace, tolerance, and reconciliation. All the best!”