With a global pandemic controlling circumstances around the world, we are all having to reshape our ways of life.
One fortunate aspect of living in 2020 is that technology has, for the most part, brought great benefit to mankind.
In such circumstances, while the Ahmadiyya Jamaat yearns to meet their beloved Imamaa once again, the national amila of Lajna Imaillah the Netherlands were fortunate to have a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on Saturday, 22 August 2020.

The following day, on Sunday, 23 August, a group of Lajna Imaillah students and new converts were also blessed with a meeting with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa.
National amila of Lajna Imaillah the Netherlands
The national amila of Lajna Imaillah the Netherlands’ mulaqat commenced with dua, after which the members introduced themselves and their respective roles. Huzooraa enquired about the details of plans, targets and achievements of every department, whilst providing valuable advice on direction and implementation. Furthermore, the amila members were also fortunate to ask Huzooraa various questions and seek guidance on diverse matters.
The first question was with respect to online classes. It was expressed that due to the current situation, classes had been shifted to take place online so that Lajna members could continue to benefit from them. Those Lajna members who, before the pandemic, were unable to come to the mosque and physically attend classes are now able to take full benefit from this via online. It was enquired if this method could continue to be utilised after the pandemic subsides for those Lajna members, who, previously, were unable to attend.
Responding to the question, Huzooraa said that if such a person lives at a great distance and there is no means of transport, then such a person may be exempted, but only after seeking permission. Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa further stated that when the circumstances ease, then the decision can be made as to who may attend online and who should attend in person.
Following this, an enquiry was posed on the best way to motivate Lajna to read and study the books of the Promised Messiahas. Answering this, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “You should continue to remind them.” Huzooraa further stated that all individuals working in the talim department should become more active and through this, better results would arise and emerge. Huzooraa emphasised that this is a team effort and should not simply be planned by one individual.
Guiding the tarbiyat department, Huzooraa stated that the work undertaken by the tarbiyat department is most important and vital and through this, numerous issues that other departments continue to face can be easily resolved.
With regard to purdah, Huzooraa stated that it should be borne in mind and explained to all Nasirat and Lajna members that the issue of purdah is not something related to Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya alone; it is in fact a commandment of Allah and His Messengersa. Huzooraa further stated that just as there is a commandment for Namaz and Hajj, so too is the case for purdah. Thus, purdah is extremely important and is a matter of modesty.
Lajna Imaillah students and new converts
On 23 August, a group of Lajna Imaillah students and new converts from the Netherlands were fortunate to have a virtual sitting with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. The class commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a nazm.
During the class, Lajna students as well as new converts had the opportunity to ask Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa an array of questions and also seek guidance on various matters with regard to school, careers and other day to day issues.
The first question was asked by a new convert who said that till today, her father, who is a Muslim but not a practicing one, is unaware of the fact that she has accepted Islam Ahmadiyya. She further enquired from Huzooraa how she could tell her father that she had accepted Ahmadiyya. Upon this, Huzooraa replied:

“If you are a practicing Muslim, you are offering prayers five times and reciting the Holy Quran daily and there is some significant change in your behaviour towards religious practices, then he will know there is a change in you and may ask you with regard to this change. Then, you can tell him that you have many friends who are Ahmadi and that you are very much impressed by the teachings of Ahmadiyyat.”
Huzooraa further said, “This way, with the passage of time, one day, if you feel that now it is an appropriate time, then you can tell him that you have accepted Ahmadiyyat and if you still have fears, then wait for some time.”
The next question was asked by a Dutch woman with regard to homosexuality, who stated that in Dutch culture, homosexuality is accepted. She further asked that now she is a Muslim, how could she deal with this issue. Answering the question, Huzooraa said:
“It is not a question only for the Dutch culture; rather, it is everywhere in the Western society, that homosexuality is not considered as a sin. But in religious scriptures, such as the Bible and Holy Quran, it is categorically mentioned that these are sins and because of this, a nation was ruined and destroyed because of their sins. Now, since it is a law of the country, and we don’t have the power to abolish this law by force or any other means in a democratic way, we cannot do anything.”
Huzooraa further narrated the hadith in which the Holy Prophetsa said that if you see something wrong, one should try to stop it with his hands and if one does not have the power and if he is unable to do so, then he should try to change it with his tongue; and if he is still not able to do so, then he should lament it in his heart.
Huzooraa added, “As far as religion is concerned, if someone asks you, you can tell them that all religions categorically say this is a sin and, ‘As far as my religion is concerned, I cannot like it. But if it is a law of the land, being a citizen, I don’t have the power to take force. But, in my personal opinion, as an Ahmadi and a person who believes in God the Almighty, I don’t like it.’ So, you will have to tell them and take a daring step whenever you are asked. But, there is no need to involve yourself with an open debate with anybody. You should try to avoid these things because, at present, nobody is going to listen to you.”
One Lajna member asked Huzooraa what the best advice was that his parents had given him. Upon this, Huzooraa replied that the best advice given was to never tell a lie and always speak the truth.
A Lajna member, referring to the verse of the Holy Quran where Allah has granted permission to believing men to marry women from among the “People of the Book”, enquired if this is permissible to do in this day and age. Answering the question, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that the fact of the matter is, where the Quran has granted this permission, God has also stated not to marry a person who associates partners with Allah. Thus, the majority of the Ahle-Kitab (People of the Book) of this day and age believe Jesusas to be God. Though they may be Ahl-e-Kitab; however, they are also committing shirk. Huzooraa further elaborated that unless the Ahl-e-Kitab are believers of the One God and believe that Jesusas has in fact passed away, then it is permissible.
Secondly, Huzooraa stated, “The Quran has also mentioned the Ahl-e-Kitab and the kafirs in one bracket.” This is why, Huzooraa said, it is avoided, and it is better that Ahmadi men should marry Ahmadi women, which ultimately is beneficial for the offspring. One Lajna member asked Huzooraa about keeping relations with people who have left the Jamaat and to what extent is it permissible.
Answering the question, Huzooraa stated that the Quran has stated that there is no compulsion in religion and that if a person desires to leave the Jamaat, then such a person may do so. When a person announces that he has left, the Jamaat then removes the person from its system.
However, Huzooraa said that if a person wishes to keep contact with such a person, then they may do so as it could result in bringing them back to the right path. However, if a person, aft er leaving the Jamaat, uses foul language against the Jamaat and the Promised Messiahas, then such a person should be avoided and one should not be keep contact with them.
A question was asked with regard to studying nanotechnology, how this field can be of service to the Jamaat and what its benefits are.
Answering the question, Huzooraa stated that he frequently encourages others to go into research and if they feel they can go into such a field, then they may do so. Huzooraa further said that the Jamaat’s purpose is also to help humanity. Through such fields of research, Huzooraa said that though there may not be a direct benefit to the Jamaat, one is able to further help humanity.
Huzooraa added that any work that helps humanity must be acknowledged and seen as a command of God and this is what the Jamaat aims to do. Huzooraa expressed that one must not just look at personal gain, but one’s main purpose should be to help humanity.
A Lajna member asked a question on behalf of her sister, who is currently in Pakistan; if it was possible to hold such virtual events and meetings, such as this, with Ahmadis in Pakistan. Replying to this, Huzooraa said that this depends on the administration in Pakistan. If the conditions are such that people can gather, then it is fine. However, Huzooraa added that there are already many obstacles and restrictions there such as Friday sermons and holding Shuras. Only through the administration, after outlining the full conditions, can such a decision be made.
One Lajna student asked Huzooraa that a few Arab countries had now accepted and recognised Israel as a country; what would the impact of this be in the world and especially in the Muslim countries.
Huzooraa answered that even if the countries have accepted and recognised Israel as a country, it will not make a huge difference as it had not made any difference previously. Huzooraa mentioned a few countries that had already, many years ago, recognised Israel as a country, such as Egypt, Tukey and Iran.
Apart from this, Huzooraa stated that thousands of Arabs are already residing in Israel and are even members of the Israel parliament. Huzooraa continued to say that allegations are raised against Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya that Ahmadis are in the Israel Army; however, Ahmadis are not a part of the army there, but there is a chance that other Muslim Arabs maybe part of the army.
Huzooraa said that one thing must be remembered, that if Israel transgresses, then as a consequence, the land would be taken away from them as is mentioned in the Holy Quran. However, the land would not be taken away through the means of war; instead, it would happen aft er Muslims reform themselves. Th e rest, Huzooraa said, are political matters and affairs.
Upon this, the mulaqat came to a close.