Waqar-e-amal in Nairobi cemetary


Tahir Ahmad Machengo, Kenya Correspondent

On 30 May 2021, 26 members of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Nairobi, Kenya participated in a waqar-e-amal programme that was done at the Jamaat’s graveyard located at Ziwani estate, Kariokor district of Nairobi, about two kilometres east of the city centre. 

Activities carried out included cutting overgrown grass, planting flowers and trees, digging out weeds from the graveyard, arranging stones and so on. 

Members had been informed a week earlier to converge at the graveyard site around 11 am. Among those who attended was Amir and Missionary-in-Charge Kenya, Tariq Mahmood Zafar Sahib. 

For close to three hours, the work was done and everyone in attendance including Atfal, Khuddam and Ansar members put in the effort to finish in good time. 

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Amir Sahib thanked all participants and said this should not stop; rather, it should continue our entire lives. Prayers were made for all the departed souls who had been buried in the graveyard. May Allah have mercy on them. Amin.

With all this done, members offered the Zuhr prayer.

May Allah bless all those who accepted to come and made the waqar-e-amal a success. Amin

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