Basalat Ahmad, Motamad, Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Germany

Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Germany held its 43rd ijtema on 19 to 21 May 2023, at the PSD-Bank-Arena in Frankfurt am Main. The total attendance of the ijtema reached 8700. Alhamdulillah.
The ijtema was blessed with the historic video message of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on the second day. During the ijtema, khuddam competed with one another in academic and sports competitions.
The planning and preparation of the Ijtema began months ago. This year, the theme of the ijtema, approved by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, was اَلْخَيْرُ کُلُّہٗ فِيْ الْقُرْآن “All good is contained in the Quran.” A large portion of the programmes was planned around the theme so that khuddam can increase their understanding and knowledge. An organisation committee consisting of 14 naib nazimen and 79 nazimeen was created with the approval of the sadr of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Germany. The ijtema Board had 10 meetings and several meetings separately with the nazimeen. The organising committee had a meeting at Nasir Bagh, Groß-Gerau, which was also attended by sadr sahib.
The ijtema began with the Jumu‘ah prayer, followed by the live Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. Afterwards, a flag-hoisting ceremony took place.
The opening session of the ijtema was chaired by the amir of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Germany, Abdullah Wagishauser Sahib, and during his address, he outlined the importance and duties of khuddam especially in the Jubilee year of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Germany. This was followed by a silent prayer.

After this, khuddam proceeded to take part in various competitions and activities on offer at the ijtema.
A special competition, including a quiz, mind challenges, and sports tasks, was held to find the “Khadim of the Ijtema”. Many khuddam took part in this competition.
Special activities at this year’s ijtema included a Quran exhibition. Khuddam showed great interest in this exhibition and were overwhelmed by the collection.
In addition to this, different stations were set up on the ijtema site for khuddam, including survival coaching, Khuddam Cafe, Humanity First, Book Shop, Al-Nusrat, Wasiyyat, Rishta Nata and Fit4Salat.
Principal Jamia Ahmadiyya Germany, Shamshad Ahmad Qamar Sahib, addressed khuddam on the second day of the ijtema about the existence of Allah.
Khuddam with excellent results in their studies were also awarded academic awards at the ijtema.
The highlight of the ijtema was the special video message by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa. Khuddam listened to the message with keen interest and were full of emotions.
During the three days of ijtema, different talks and lectures were organised on the side stage on the topics of mental health and belief, challenges in career, and service to mankind.
The concluding session of the ijtema was chaired by Mubarak Ahmad Tanveer Sahib, who addressed the khuddam on the topic of the Holy Quran. Sadr Sahib Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Germany, Tariq Ahmad Zafar Sahib, also addressed khuddam about the responsibilities of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya. Later, khuddam were awarded prizes and the Alam-e-In‘ami. This was followed by a silent prayer.