This Week in History: 15-21 September


A glimpse into the rich history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

15 September 1897:

On this date, the Promised Messiahas expressed his desire to establish a middle school in Qadian for Ahmadi youth to inculcate in them the basic knowledge of Islam and safeguard them from worldly evils. He entitled this printed announcement Eik Zaruri Farz ki Tabligh. This indicates his desire to spread knowledge among his followers. After providing the basic scheme, Huzooras mentioned the names of his devout followers and their promised amounts to help initiate this project. (Majmu‘ah-e-Ishtiharat [2019], Vol. 2, pp. 360-362)

15 September 1950:

During his Friday Sermon on this day, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra called the attention of Ahmadis towards preaching the message of Islam with greater passion and zeal:

“According to God Almighty’s decree, the time has come for those revolutions – from the religious and spiritual perspective – that will establish Ahmadiyyat in the world for a long time, and its victory will be acknowledged by friends and foes alike. However, one is required to strive hard for such revolutions.” (“Blessed are those who serve the Divine cause’: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s heartfelt advice to the Jamaat”, Al Hakam, 30 September 2022, Issue 237, pp. 16-17)

15 September 1985:

On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh inaugurated the Baitus Salam Mission House in Belgium. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Part 4, p. 835)

15 September 2006:

On 12 September 2006, Pope Benedict XVI, while speaking at the University of Regensburg, sparked controversy by quoting Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos’s view of Islam, suggesting it had, God-forbid, contributed “only evil and inhuman” elements.

During his Friday Sermon on this day, 15 September 2006, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa mentioned the pope’s remarks and said they had no relation at all to the true Islamic teachings. Huzooraa said that it was not befitting for a person like the pope to falsely attribute such things to Islam.

Huzooraa commented on the pope’s statement in detail and narrated the peaceful teachings of Islam to refute the false allegations. Huzooraa also presented the sayings of various orientalists in which they appreciate the Holy Prophet’ssa role in the establishment of peace.

16 September 1914:

On this day, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra sent a letter to the Begum of Bhopal with the aim of propagating the message of Ahmadiyyat. Hajjah Nawab Begum Dame, Sultan Jahan GCSI (1858-1930) was a notable and progressive ruler of Bhopal who ruled from 1901 to 1926. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 4, p. 161)

16 September 2005:

On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressed the first-ever combined Scandinavian Jalsa Salana, which took place in Gothenburg, Sweden. Huzooraa spoke about the ma‘rifat (recognition) of God Almighty and the ways to achieve it.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa addressing the first-ever combined Scandinavian Jalsa Salana

17 September 1898:

The judge in the income tax case against the Promised Messiahas revealed the verdict on this day. FT Dixon, collector of District Gurdaspur, declared him not guilty. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 2, p. 17)

17 September 1927:

On this day, the then Governor of Punjab, Sir William Malcolm Hailey, had the opportunity to meet Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra. During this meeting, a discussion took place as to how the Hindu-Muslim unrest could be alleviated in the country.

For more details, see “Communal harmony, Unity Conference and Muslim rights: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s 1927 visit to Shimla”, Al Hakam, 24 February 2023, Issue 258, pp. 13-16.

17 September 2010:

During his first tour of Ireland to lay the foundation of Maryam Mosque in Galway, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa delivered a Friday Sermon on this day. Huzooraa mentioned that from a geographical standpoint, Galway was a kind of corner of the world.

18 September 1894:

On this day, the Promised Messiahas received the following revelation:

داغِ ہجرت

“The stigma of migration.” (Tadhkirah [English], p. 340)

Migration is among the traditions of the prophets. Many prophets and their communities undertook migration in order to spread the religion of Allah throughout the world. Hazrat Ahmadas himself and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra had seen dreams and visions that revealed some of the aspects of the migration with which the Community would be confronted. Among many manifestations, the above-mentioned revelation was fulfilled in 1947 when the Partition of British India occurred and Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra had to migrate from Qadian.

18 September 1988:

On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh laid the foundation of a mosque in New Grove, Mauritius, and also inaugurated the Tahir Mosque at the Military Quarters. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Part 4, p. 850)

19 September 1885:

On this day, which was 9 Dhul-Hijjah 1302 AH, Hazrat Sufi Ahmad Jan Sahib read out a prayer in the field of Arafat that was written by the Promised Messiahas. In the early days of this year, when Hazrat Sufi Sahib was about to embark on Hajj, the Promised Messiahas wrote down a prayer and asked him to read it upon seeing the veil of the Ka‘bah. The words of this prayer show his deep desire for the revival of Islam in the world. (“The Promised Messiah’s prayer in the field of Arafat, Mecca”, Al Hakam, 25 September 2020, Issue 132, p. 5)

19 September 1912:

On this day, the Jamaat newspaper, Badr, started publishing the words of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira under the title, “Kalam-e-Amir”. Kalam-e-Amir published Huzoor’sra dars of the Holy Quran, daily engagements, etc. It is a treasure trove of insights and teachings that exhibit Huzoor’sra spiritual greatness and vast knowledge. (Tarikh-e-Ahmadiyyat, Vol. 3, p. 418)

20 September 1948:

The new Markaz of Ahmadiyyat in Pakistan, named Rabwah, was inaugurated on this day. For more details, see “From Muhammad bin Qasim to Mirza Mahmud Ahmadra”, Al Hakam, 20 September 2019, Issue 79, pp.16-18.

21 September 1919:

A session of the All-India Muslim Conference was held on this day, to which Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra was also invited, but he could not attend. However, he sent a detailed article, titled Turkey ka Mustaqbil aur Musalmanon ka Farz, which was published in Al Fazl on 27 September 1919. This article was later translated into English as The Future of Turkey and published in The Moslem World, Vol. 10, pp. 274-281.

For more details, see “Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad’s services to the Muslim cause: Guidance for Turkey, peace in the Arab world and the Kashmir Movement”, Al Hakam, 19 February 2021, Issue 153, pp. 41-44.

21 September 1955:

On this day, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered a lecture at a reception held in his honour following his tour of Europe. The event was organised by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Karachi at the Beach Luxury Hotel in Karachi, Pakistan. The reception was attended by various ambassadors, high government officials, notable locals, press correspondents, and other dignitaries. Huzoorra called on the Muslim world to leave aside their internal disagreements and unite to carry out the important task of propagating Islam.

For more details, see “Europe seeks Islam: Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s lecture at a reception held in Karachi, 1955”, Al Hakam, 4 November 2022, Issue 242, pp. 19-20.

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