This Week in History: 17–23 May


A glimpse into the rich history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

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Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra at a reception in Switzerland

17 May 1927: In light of the anti-Muslim riots in Lahore, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra decided to initiate a countrywide movement for not only aiding the oppressed Muslims of Lahore, but also for the Indian Muslims’ economic, political and religious progress. He published a tract as well, titled “Aap Islam aur Musalmanon ke liay kiaa kar saktay hain?” —What can you do for Islam and Muslims? On this day, the first part of this tract was published in Al Fazl, in which he outlined 31 points of the scheme for Islam’s unity.

For more details, see “Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s services to the Muslim cause: Guiding Muslims of the Indian subcontinent amid religious and political conflicts” at (26 February 2021, p. 17).

17 May 1989: During his tour of Europe, on this day, a special reception was given by the Zurich City Council in honour of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh. Huzoorrh addressed the press conference in the afternoon of the same day. In the evening, he delivered a lecture at the University of Zurich. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 855)

18 May 1900: The Lord Bishop George Alfred Lefroy delivered a series of public lectures and declared that while Prophet Muhammadsa had died and was buried in Medina, Muslims hold that Jesusas is still alive in heaven. On this day, after such a speech, the audience was given the opportunity to discuss the matter. Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra stood up and argued against the bishop’s false propaganda.

For more details, see “100 Years Ago… – Demise of Lord Bishop Lefroy” at (11 January 2019, p. 3).

18 May 2005: During his tour of Africa, on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa visited an Ahmadiyya School in Mbiko, Uganda. (Al Fazl International, 24 June 2005, pp. 10-11)

19 May 1928: On this day, the Indian National Congress held a session of the All Parties Conference and formed a sub-committee, chaired by Motilal Nehru, which had only two Muslim representatives. This committee later passed a proposed constitution for India, commonly known as the Nehru Report.

Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra commented on the Nehru Report in detail. Al Fazl published those comments from 2 October to 2 November 1928, which was later published in book form titled, Nehru Report aur Musalmanon ke Masaleh. Its English translation was published in March 1930, titled The Nehru-Report and Muslim Rights.

For more details, see “Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud’s services to the Muslim cause: Guiding Muslims of the Indian subcontinent amid religious and political conflicts” at (26 February 2021, p. 17).

19 May 1989: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh delivered his Friday Sermon at the Mahmud Mosque of Zurich, in which he highlighted the schemes employed by some Baháʼís in Pakistan to undermine the faith of some economically disadvantaged Ahmadis, enticing them with financial incentives and the allure of material benefits, in an attempt to sway their allegiance away from Islam Ahmadiyyat. Huzoorrh emphatically stated that, despite their economic hardships, Ahmadis possess a resolute and unwavering faith, rendering these tactics ineffective. (Khutbat-e-Tahir, Vol. 8, p. 323)

20 May 1928: Hazrat Sufi Muti-ur-Rahman was sent to serve as the person in charge of the Ahmadiyya Mission in America on this day.

For more details about his career in serving Jamaat, see: “Pioneer Missionaries: Part 2 – Serving till their last days” at (16 September 2022, p. 9).

20 May 1989: During his tour of Switzerland, on this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh attended a tea party arranged in his honour by the Council of Churches in Zurich. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 855)

21 May 1948: When Israel was established on 14 May 1948, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra wrote an article to awaken the Muslim world, titled “Al-Kufru Millatun Wahidah” and called on all Muslims to unite as one. This article was published on this day in Al Fazl.

For more details, see “The Ahmadiyya Khilafat’s call for Muslim unity: The solution to Israel-Palestine issue” at (21 May 2021, p. 21).

21 May 1989: During his tour of Europe, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh arrived at Saint Prix in France. He inaugurated an exhibition hall and addressed the members of Jamaat. (Silsila Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 855)

22 May 1948: On this day, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra issued a written message under title “Mujhey ap ki talash hei” (I am in search of you).

For the English rendering of this text see: “I need you” at (14 February 2020, p. 6).

22 May 2013: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa arrived in Calgary during his historic tour of North America. At the airport, Huzooraa was greeted by four members of Alberta’s Legislative Assembly (MLAs) and by Calgary’s Deputy Mayor, Ray Jones. (“World Muslim Leader Arrives in Calgary”,

23 May 1982: On this day, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh, embarked upon what would become his final journey from Rabwah to Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. His visit was marked by an episode of profound significance on 26 May; while leading the Isha prayer in Islamabad, he experienced a moment of physical unsettlement caused by elevated blood pressure, heralding the onset of his last illness. Huzoorrh later passed away on 9 June 1982. (Hayat-e-Nasir, by Mahmud Mujib Asghar, p. 427)

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